Leadership Coach Reacts: MNC Continues To Pay Its Deceased Employees?!


What's up guys!

This is your leadership coach, Jason, and today we're going to be talking about Tata Steel.

Like superman, the man of steel, but Tata steel like - *picture of Superman with Tata Steel logo*.

So what are we going to be talking about?

It is an amazing thing that they just did, and it is really the fight in India about Covid.

Everybody is fighting there.

Government is fighting because they should, but when MNCs fight, whoa, big big difference.

It sends shockwaves to everyone in India.

So this is what's happening guys.

Recently when they actually announced that they're gonna be supporting and helping the families of the people who passed away due to Covid, in one of their press release they actually mentioned this and let me read this out:


"Tata Steel stands with the deep sense of loss and the sad demise of its beloved employees during this dreadful pandemic. For all the yesterdays they devoted to help create a beautiful tomorrow, Tata Steel's best in class social security schemes will help ensure an honorable standard of living for their families,"


Okay, so this is the part guys.


"- whereby the families will get the last drawn salary till 60 years of age of the deceased employee / nominee along with medical benefits and housing facilities.


Like what the!

Oh my god, whoa.

So what you're saying or what they are saying is that if I'm 30 years old, and I pass away because of Covid and I'm part of their employees, they would pay me the salary for whatever 'x' amount times 12 times the next 30 years for my family.

So why is this important when it comes to leadership?

When we think about this day and age, when I coach MNC directors, regional directors, even GM's, a lot of times the struggle they have is: "Why should my guys be loyal to me?"

And that's a question they ask because sometimes they see them just leaving because of better opportunities.

Nothing wrong with that.

But the thing about it is that in this round of retrenchment or cost cutting, you let these five people go, this 'x' percentage go, then what about the years that I've spent with you?

When cost cutting becomes something that's very natural, or very normal, that loyalty goes down and gets eroded away.

There is great fear.

There's this one thing about leadership: If you are a leader, you want to be able to help them have a sense of belonging, help your team feel that you know what they belong and it's safe there.

What Tata Steel is doing is creating that safety.

It's telling not only their employees or their staff, but the whole world that "Hey you guys have helped me out and i want to help you out in this very unfortunate pandemic".

And if they are saying this out to people i would think it's a smack in the face to all the other MNCs that hey you know what, that's really gold standard when it comes to helping people feel safe and helping people feel belonged.

I belong to you, I belong to your organization, you take care of me, because I took care of you.

I think a lot of the MNCs now, they have it upside down, and Tata Steel is doing it the other way around.

This is something that we can learn when it comes to an organizations putting people first.

It's going to be a great, great ripple effect down the road.

Think of it.

We will come out of this pandemic, and when we do, Tata Steel is going to be up there when it comes to the greatest minds that want to join, the brightest minds, the best people want to join them.


I think because they actually put their neck out to help those people.

So same thing, if you're a leader and you have a team, what you want to do is you want to create the same kind of safety.

It might not be this kind, but it might be a way that you can tell them that "Hey you know what, i will look after you. If you do something wrong, i'm gonna be there for you backing you up, i'm not gonna be throwing you under the bus and your head won't be on the chopping board. I'm gonna be there backing you up and my reputation as a leader is at stake."

That's the kind of things that you can do as a leader.

But it's the same principle you're sticking your neck out.

They don't need to do this.

The millions of dollars they'll spend to do this for the next 30 - 40 years, it's going to be huge and that's going to cost them.

But when it comes back, does it come back in the first place?

I think it will, and it will come back strong.

And Tata Steel will be one of those MNCs that people really want to work for and people want to give their life because they think about the families of their employees as well.

So as a leader think about this: How do i create safety how do i create that sense of belonging?

That "Hey you know what, as a leader I'm there for you".

As an organization, the CEOs, how are you going to help the people who are struggling at this point of time?

So it's great leadership principles from a great company called Tata Steel and that's something that we can all learn from.

So if you like this video, please like and do give me a comment on what you liked about it.

And also if there's other videos that you want me to react to or news you want me to react to as a leadership coach, please comment below.

And till next time, peace out.

I'll see you in the next video.

(key words: leadership, leadershiplessons, leadershipcoachreacts, leadersofinfluence, tatasteel, covid, empathy, help, safety, belonging, caring)