Trusted Leadership Coach to Fortune 500 Companies
SouthEast Asia & Singapore's 1st Gallup Certified CliftonStrengths® Coach
Jason remains young by attempting to keep up with social media trends. That’s why it’s no surprise you might have found him on TikTok dishing out his in-your-face, no bull**** views on all things related to career, leadership and development.
But let’s go back to where his story begins…
Born and raised in Singapore, Jason had to go through the “rite of passage” in the form of the infamous "kiasu" (i.e. FOMO) local education system. There, he constantly felt like a fish out of water and is ever thankful for his teachers as well as his band of brothers from ACS who helped him find his place and purpose in this world.
Currently a wanna-be samurai, Jason believes his place in this world is to be known as a serial hacker and a quintessential thought leader.
Obsessed with living a life of purpose, Jason has an idealistic life motto that he wants to turn into reality — to unlock the potential of the human race.
He spends his weekends “hacking” parenthood; together with his wife, where they try to be the best parents in the world for their 6 children.
Jason is the co-founder of Strengths School™ and creator of the Perfect Performance™ framework.
His “professional” life started off with him constantly experimenting with different jobs and projects. As someone who comes alive when pioneering new ground, this led Jason to start and dabble in over 32 businesses within a short span of time.
As a self-proclaimed “hacker”, Jason is obsessed about finding ways to “hack performance”. One question that dominates his time is, “How do we bring out the best in people?”
One of the tools that gave him insight to that question was CliftonStrengths, where Jason was certified as SouthEast Asia and Singapore’s first CliftonStrengths coach.
Through his years of journeying with C-Suite leaders and teams in their development, Jason’s desire to “hack performance” continued to evolve.
Jason now spends most of his time as a trusted executive and leadership coach to Directors, MDs, and C-Suite leaders.
“We live in a world where only 2 out of 15 people look forward to work and the majority of the workforce lives with a TGIF (Thank God It's Friday) mindset - these are the Thank God It’s Monday people! I hope that through my work, I will inspire people to try to find the fire within themselves and be happier in the journey and outcome.
I want to bring out the best in people wherever I go - in the videos I make, in the clients I serve, in the team I have, and ultimately, the world I impact.
I believe that everyone is built for greatness and I want to be the person that brings it out in you!”.
“Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
Howard Thurman, The Living Wisdom of Howard Thurman: A Visionary for Our Time
Khor Kee Eng
Ku Geok Boon
Eric Lian
Managing Director & Head of Group Commercial Banking
Gerald Ang
General Manager
Warner Music
Johnson & Johnson
StrengthsFinder Workshop (Teams)
StrengthsFinder Workshop (Leaders)
StrengthsFinder Workshop (Teams)