Becoming a Content Creator - Aiken Chia (Food King) | The CJH Podcast EP11
*Captions are taken directly from YouTube and may not be 100% accurate
welcome everybody to the podcast and we
have Aiken Chia here
thank you so much for being here and I'm
so excited to really find out about your
entire life and how you actually got to
where you are I'm excited entire life
here guys
entire life yes so a little bit of
introduction because it's kind of like
doesn't need introduction but Ikea is a
Singaporean online personality and
independent content creator
nice usually people use either content
creator or they use influencer I now
yeah now the keyword I picked up is
independent because it's the first time
in my career I'm fully autonomous now
yeah so I'm very happy about that ah so
last time was under many agencies right
okay so independent okay yeah
interesting okay so it's almost like an
indie artist a music I hope so yeah okay
so he was also if you didn't know winner
of 98.7 FM's TV star competition 2013.
see what I mean see what I mean
previously a host talent and producer
for Food King from
2017-2021 he has over 48 000 subscribers
on YouTube and 125 000 followers on
Instagram he now has started his own
production company in 2022 after leaving
Food King so welcome again thank you so
much for having me I'm excited awesome
awesome for me I'm always curious about
this idea of passion and where most
people in their life don't actually live
out their passion so actually it's
actually very unfortunate I mean if you
think about all your friends you ask
them yeah um do you like their job what
do they say no yeah we think for the
weekend yeah yeah so the idea is um most
of the time is TGIF I feel a little you
know I just want to go into Friday
Saturday Sunday but tgim is so rare yeah
and I I feel that for you you kind of
found that so help us understand your
your life Journey how you kind of even
started with this whole idea of content
creation being in front of the camera
and all that yeah uh so I grew up in a
lower income single parent family okay
and actually I would have never said
this when I was younger but I have a lot
of that to thank because I absolutely
hated my situation I was from ACS right
so all the rich kids are eating like
don't look over the uh like on a normal
day like on a normal day for lunch
and I'm like I'm like okay I'm
struggling to pay for the food called
food you know yeah so my idea of normal
was like oh there's such a disparity
yeah um but um in in ACS something that
I found out was that I could make people
laugh and I could when I spoke in at the
auditorium everybody listen and that's
where I was like oh there's something
here maybe and I think my teacher uh
shout out to Mr Kumar who is the first
person I would say in my life to like
sort of pick that up and he said again
there's something you know about you um
we're gonna do a school play and we're
gonna throw you in and this is what
primary school yeah primary school so
like when I was like nine or ten that's
for me one probably three four wow yeah
and then he already kind of and Mr
teacher yeah yeah okay and so he picked
up something about I guess my behavior
or the way I interacted in class and
then he put me on the school play and
just something about that um
I met the school laugh and I was able to
speak and everybody listen yeah so I
found it out again when I was in
secondary school I had to do some
presentation and the moment I spoke into
the mic I commanded the attention of of
the hall and I was like hey maybe
there's something here you know like
there is a I don't know Charisma or
something that's what people say yeah
and so I realized I had this sort of
like this was one of the clues and then
um I really just started in media
because I needed a job that paid more
than ten dollars an hour yeah because I
was going from Secondary School to Bali
so the school fees jumped and uh you
know I had to pay like 1000 plus I was
like oh I need a job that is more than
ten dollars an hour but my first job
actually was already in communication I
was doing customer service at the
airport so I always tell people uh I'll
tell the tourists where to go and
recommend them like tourist attractions
in Singapore like Singapore's concierge
yeah Singapore tourism board yeah so we
were at this Tourism Center oh you can
go to the flyer or you can like you know
so I've always been sort of just in that
um communication aspect of that job
um but some one day my friend in church
said to me uh I said hey when you give
announcements so again in church people
were like hey you're quite funny go and
give them there may be people listen
right so it's not giving us money so so
somebody interested hey
um when you give announcements it's
entertaining maybe you should go and try
for uh uh be in the media so I was like
okay and then she gave me this website
and basically anything that said male
Chinese 20 that was the age I started I
would go and audition okay yeah and so
that's how I started I really just put
myself out there but I booked my first
show in two weeks of auditioning and I
was the main host well yeah and that
blew my mind how I
I went down for the audition and they
were doing uh that time is called octo I
don't know if it still is maybe you'll
see me if you're a kid I don't know if
you're when you're watching yeah but I
did a science show and uh they just said
okay we like you we think you're okay
we're gonna pay you up with two people
and when they pay me with this one other
dude Phil
it just I felt the magic on set
chemistry first time in my life I was
like whoa this another thing here and I
got the job and that was like my highest
paying job ever you know being coming
from a 10 per hour outside oh this thing
is real and it's good maybe I can like
work this out and maybe I can do
something here yeah so that was when I
first started to try
um there was a there was quite a miles
Milestone memory in that moment and that
shoot because I think
um there was a was they were the
director and I were just having fun and
say can you do this in a British accent
and just make fun of this whole scene
and I did it and everybody on set clap
after that and there was just something
that about that moment that was a bit of
the ordinary for me because you know
every day you sort of go in and do your
job but that moment was like I did
something a little bit above and beyond
there was something inside me that that
Shone through you know and so people
that woman I thought to myself yo this
is something I'm good at I enjoy and it
actually pays my bills yeah maybe this
could work out in the future I'm not
sure yeah so that's basically when you
were in poly I was in poly so I did the
show for my internship so yeah so you
know I have all these I always like
because I went to I studied Psych in
poly right so all these like uh big
holiday people come and say like I'm
being paid a thousand five a month for
my internship how about you then I'm
like I didn't want to tell that I was
being paid 10K for that [ __ ] because I
was the main host so I was like oh very
good very good yeah but that that helped
me so much WoW financially it was a
breakthrough for me yeah okay so rewind
a little bit because
um there's so many parts there before
Kuma your teacher yeah who affirmed you
that besides your friends are joking
around they laugh and all that anybody
else affirmed you no
not at all not at all so you were known
because sometimes when you are comical
and all that they'll I remember I was
young when you know when you're always
joking around yeah people don't take you
seriously yeah then when the people
don't take you seriously you don't have
the confidence that yeah actually I can
talk absolutely so I found myself like
all my friends right then they'll be
always like oh we asked somebody out
somebody else who's a bit more nerdy a
bit more like they know stuff but never
ask Jason is yes Jason is like
all right right you were funny yeah but
but was that funniness and all that was
that to the extreme that people didn't
really take you seriously
Me Maybe I was so young I didn't really
realize but I felt like they one thing
was quite cool they didn't make fun of
me yeah they they celebrated my humor my
Charisma there were people that I could
feel looked up to it okay and I couldn't
understand it so I remember one of my
one of the prefects right one day came
up to me gonna you'll be like prefix I
always like hey stop talking stop
talking but this prefect he said can you
teach me how to be cool
and then I was like wait I'm cool this
is my music school Primary School oh my
goodness so so thankfully for me
um it was it was celebrated and affirmed
a lot so good uh yeah and I was like a
really uh chubby fat guy you know who
didn't have a lot of self-confidence so
this thing helped me to really go like
this is something that I gave me that
much more confidence yeah a little bit
more confidence in myself yeah yeah
because I was in the athletic rugby
player or the soccer player but at least
I got this going for me right yeah at
least when we finish when they finished
laughing at me and saying like this guy
ever play badminton or whatever
um they still had that
respect yes yes Street Creator Street
correct what you can go up on stage you
can talk to people and you're eloquent
and yeah you're not nervous at all yes
yes I think Primary School when somebody
go up there yeah first thing is I always
fiddle something yeah yeah yeah you're
not sure what to say yeah yeah yeah so
that that helped me to build a lot of
confidence yeah and thankfully the humor
uh and all that um yeah now that you
mentioned actually I'm very thankful
that it didn't turn out where people
like oh this guy yeah interesting how
did you sort of I mean if you don't mind
me asking her I also want to learn how
did you like sort of
um shake off that branding so difficult
because you're a joker around
um you're always laughing yeah you're
always laughing at people yeah yeah or
you're like like crawling on somebody's
back and they're like hey this is funny
you know people and things like that
yeah yeah so but then you then you have
like like kind of like a reputation to a
point where then um the serious things
people don't ask you right so it's only
after many years then even at work then
I started to realize that then I needed
a Persona that was quite serious and I
actually came up with the Persona that's
quite serious when I was doing Financial
advisory oh okay yeah so when I was
doing Financial years I was like oh
super serious always like I know very
yeah um there was a mask but then after
a while then some then that humor or
that um that just leaked out a little
bit then started I started to normalize
that it actually serious and funny yeah
or light-hearted at the same time yeah
but that didn't come during
um okay okay if you're not serious then
you are you don't know things yeah and
then there are group who like they read
books like this kind you know then they
will ask them all the general knowledge
and as you generally no [ __ ] like yeah
yeah yeah so it's like um I it wasn't
very good for me in school and all that
but uh it slowly came out that I started
to normalize I went too serious then not
fine not not not light-hearted then
slowly normalized that's nice yeah but
it's only a worker yeah I wasn't in
school high school like boys could
remake for each other oh yeah that's
true yeah I had a blast absolutely so
you you okay you were different then
that's good so
um personally for you where do you think
this Charisma if we just name it his
Charisma being able to be on stage being
able to draw the attention of people
where do you think it came from then
wow or when did it first start
this one I really cannot take credit for
I mean that the word Charisma itself it
comes from the word Charis which is
Grace right and I think that there's
just a I mean uh I'm a Christian so I
believe like I'm created with a certain
gift and a purpose I believe we all are
and my my Charisma was something that I
discovered and I found so I don't know
where it came from I mean I I guess it's
from God but yeah but
my responsibility was to
uh develop it and refine it and put it
and channel it structure it work hard at
it to make this gift shine and not
suppress it yeah yeah so same same
thinking the gifts that we have we don't
know where it comes from actually yeah
we don't know it's it's almost like some
people are intelligent in different
things yeah there's like you know
different intelligence uh school of
thought absolutely some people
intelligent music yeah some people are
intelligent numbers yeah some people
intelligent literature and words exactly
some people are intelligent in um
performance art or even like
communication absolutely so we don't
really know where it came from yeah it
kind of like is but it's more like when
do we notice it yeah absolutely and I
would like to say something about that
because I think in school I felt so
beaten down because I was the Nev I was
never the math and science guy I was
always the lit guy the language guy so I
aced every all the language Humanities
all the the purely always
I did it yeah my friend yeah
but this day I have until this day I've
not passed a math module I have not I
just my brain just doesn't think like
that yeah and for the longest time my
parents me everybody is like oh you're
you're you get categorized as a type of
like dumb because you get a an aggregate
score yes yeah whereas I was like no but
I can clearly see my strengths it's just
you are not rewarding me for my
strengths you keep measuring me against
like my ability to do math which I I
can't do yeah yeah don't you know dydx
is so important
in life haven't you used dldx in the
last like two years
yeah they use it like a mats and all
that you see guys I have to pretend to
know what he was talking about then I
admit that I really no idea what yeah
every day
so that that is that is the gripe that I
personally have with the education
system yes oh but did you hear they are
going towards a more uh subject-based
bending or something like that but
Singapore is so big and to change
everything going to be very tough so a
lot of the children out there even my
kids and all that it's it's still going
to be subject to the same thing if
they're bad at math and all that they
um as parents or even anybody else it's
um when you find a different way to
increase their confidence so for you
that gifting it kind of like you it
showed up right and you kind of honed it
yeah I believe that
even though you have a gift you need to
put in minimum ten thousand hours oh
yeah to make it world class right
because nobody's gonna pay you or give
you the light of day if you're not
world-class absolutely besides besides
school right doing that kind of like um
place and all that where else do you
hone your skills that means like do you
go and read books go go to go to
bookshops do you watch YouTubes what do
you do to kind of like become a better
I watch a lot when I grew up I watched
and listened a lot I listened to a lot
of the DJs and I'd be like can I do that
hey you're listening to 987 am I hey I
can okay then I listen to a lot of DJs I
watch a lot of uh I naturally love food
right food content so I watch a lot of
food shows but after a while beyond the
food I'm like how is this guy doing it
how is this like you know the delivery
the delivery and then like I sort of
like because I've watched like so many
hours of maybe like food content hosting
right I'm like okay okay but
I nothing taught me like the real world
uh I auditioned like a competitive sport
because I needed the money I auditioned
like like it was like an Olympic sport
really I went for any audition that I
could because I just needed a job after
I finished that internship that paid me
that 10K I needed to find the next thing
and so that was my freelance career for
um six to seven years with mediacorp oh
wow I auditioned I got stuff I
auditioned I didn't get stuff but every
other week I'm facing rejection yeah I'm
receiving a new script I'm standing in
front of another camera in front of
another room of people and nothing
nothing trains me like uh putting myself
out there and actually getting to the
task yeah and that really taught me a
lot and then you see um I have like I I
never stop pushing so uh 987 TV star I
won that competition but after that
because nothing really came out of that
they closed my show down after a year or
two years I joined another competition
uh called the five search and I came in
running up for that and that was a
acting and hosting competition so I
learned so much from like typing Hui and
the older veterans yeah uh but I never
stopped pushing I never stopped learning
and so my the reason it didn't really
work out with with that agency was
because I told them look I want a
competition yeah I came in right now in
the next competition it's showing you
already I've got what it takes it's just
you don't have a place for me you don't
have an outlet for me you keep thinking
I'm going to you keep projecting me to
be Channel 8 drama which I'm not gonna
do like like
I just cannot do that right but you
don't again you don't look at my
strengths and say I believe in it I'm
gonna run with it therefore you know I
was like I'm done but all the work
experience from booking the auditions or
getting rejected has really really honed
my craft yeah where do you learn because
you can go for 10 000 auditions yeah but
you don't learn anything oh yeah watch
yourself watch yourself absolutely so
um I I learned from a lot of feedback I
ask people okay yeah and then what was
interesting thing is when I when I
joined NOC the the platform changed it
wasn't this costly presentee DJ thing it
doesn't work you have to be more
conversational yeah so I started to
change and tweak my uh hosting to be
very personal and relatable like as if I
am talking right at you my best friend
uh who's watching at home okay and then
I started to tweet my yeah and then I
just watched myself again and again what
did I do right what could I have done
better how should I have said it uh what
could I have uh how much more clearly
could I have communicated so recently I
learned that I discovered that like see
like like is my filler word like it's
the word I I used to pause and think so
now I'm trying to say like less often
and talks a little bit slower yeah
things like that you know right it helps
me to just look at that okay so watching
shows asking for feedback putting
yourself out there so you can test
yourself yeah
um and that helped you to increase your
craft yeah a whole new craft for sure
right yeah so how did then when you
actually went to Food King right and
then you'll see and all that
um did they straight away say that okay
this you are built for this I'm going to
create a show for you
oh what was it oh so was it more like I
have this can you just do this yeah
basically I want to do uh a food series
but you wanted it also are you kind of
like yeah anything goes man I really my
oh my dream was to host of future
because like I said all the kids were
eating the tongue right brother here
never ate the good food yeah so I wanted
for for us we looked from the right of
the menu to the left right we we read
Chinese exactly right then yeah exactly
so I was like you know one day if I host
a food show Freya free everything's free
yeah so I laugh and tell my dad now uh
last time you make noise
right now I get paid to eat that's why I
superseded that I didn't I don't just
eat for free I get paid to eat right but
I I just really wanted to to make up for
my childhood wow yeah and so I was like
where can I find this food show Media
cop didn't give it to me yeah so uh NOC
Michael the I think Channel you but
Chinese yeah okay so they won't know for
me so they won't look for me and and uh
so they were saying oh we want to do
this for sure by that time honestly I
had given up on media so in my heart I
already knew I really cried for one
month I'm done yeah just when you uh
trying everything but then you didn't
really have the inroads or anything yeah
there was no anchor show for you no
anchor show and I was so broke I was
broke beyond belief uh and I had no more
money I was in finishing my final year
of uni and I was studying psych so I was
like I'm just gonna do sex but it is the
end of the road because no more doors
are opening and I'm done so when my
friend oh wow uh yeah so when Dee called
me and said hey I know she wants to do
it I said oh okay I mean I don't mind
doing it costs free food I just want to
uh and then who knew that became the the
game changer yeah that was the the doll
yeah it was the door everything is like
food and then uh exactly you had
probably creative Direction yeah yeah
yeah and I need to credit
um my mentors then uh Ryan and Sylvia
Sophia really saw it in me you know and
she brought it out in me not just the
ability to hold especially dented
produce the show because when you know
the show when you produce a Content
you'll be a better host
and then she said actually she wanted me
to edit that I said I'm like hey I'm not
that balanced like I just kept me I
cannot like you know and that's the
thing about content creators which I'm
sure we'll talk about soon you have to
do everything yeah so she's like go and
learn to produce and then go and edit I
could not edit I produced the show and
um I learned the business side all of
that from NOC right so credit where
credit is due date absolutely believed
in me gave me a platform uh and helped
me to even more so refine that gift and
value and add more things that
complemented that gift right yeah so the
gift actually started with communicating
uh in front of people right then it
looked like there was a progression up
to producing and that's a totally
different skill set oh yeah was that the
first time you're producing yeah even at
the last time you already did some um
I think it's a bit of a broad term right
but it's basically saying like you find
the content you want to feature for for
food camera and then you coordinate make
it happen yeah yeah and I felt like that
um such an organic process to content
creation it totally made sense for me to
do it and not Outsource it so by the
time cameras are rolling I would have
known the content like the back of my
hand I know the story I know the price I
know everything because I produced it
and that was it didn't feel like
something I cannot do it just felt like
admin and research right yeah and then
developing an eye for the content yeah
so that producing taught me right so
right now I could look at a user
generated piece of uh photo for the food
and I could tell you whether it's good
or not 90 I'll get it right yeah
because I produced 200 episodes I'm
about I'm there about able to tell
right who was your influencers or people
you looked up to when it comes to food
food and video because you said that
yeah one of the things you studied was
yeah just food food videos and people
commenting on food and all that yeah
right so food hosting you call it food
hosting yeah I guess who was that for
you I grew up watching a lot of uh
Andrew Zimmern he did this show called
I think it's called Bizarre Foods okay
and he'll eat he'll just travel around
the world and eat the craziest things
and he is this like big bald guy really
funny uh he made me want to eat all the
bizarre foods he made me want to try the
bizarre foods and then on the flip side
I had uh someone who was a bit more
serious and journalistic like uh Anthony
Bourdain yeah and I absolutely hated his
work at first I was like why this guy so
moody very cold very cold smoking on
camera I didn't get it backed up like
after two episodes I sort of leaned into
that genius right and the genius of his
writing and the way he does his voice
overs and I'm like brilliant this is
brilliant and I was so inspired by by
these guys yeah absolutely so and and
I just threw myself into that world of
I've watched every episode of Parts
Unknown I threw myself into that world
of wow this is what food and travel and
learning presenting looks like yeah yeah
and this is this is so cool I wish I can
do it one day yeah yeah and then you got
it yeah I got it in in my own version uh
and it it really Food King was
my dream come true yeah anyway all the
all the points converge yeah and the
magic happen yeah so awesome yeah when
it comes to Passion one thing that
people really feel I mean a lot of
people say follow your passion for your
passion but then they know they have no
idea what passion is right be like well
that's my passion yeah but that's one
part so I kind of like broke broke down
passion to three different things I love
that right passion is yeah
um your interest yeah it means topics
you can talk about forever yeah so that
is that is one part the second part is
strengths that means natural ability to
for example natural ability for you to
stand on stage not be nervous and
communicate the idea rather than try to
think about what words to use for
example yeah and then lastly is values
uh what what value do you think you're
living out yeah when it comes to your
passion so if somebody has that covered
in passion then a lot of times people
are like okay after I get my passion I
want to go into pay yeah but you don't
go to papers right after passion you
need performance oh preach that's so
performance means you are at the world
class level where people will pay you
absolutely movie for that piece of work
absolutely so you can be a passionate
person who bakes cakes but if your cakes
are [ __ ] nobody's gonna pay you yeah so
performance is where we hone our skills
and all that absolutely and once
performance come the market will pay you
whatever you're worth absolutely I want
to figure out from you for interest
when it comes to interest you you said
you're studying you know that you're
learning and all that yeah anywhere else
that you kind of like
um you found yourself that you were so
deep dive into this whole idea of
communication like you some people who
have hours and hours of communication uh
talking about that craft and all that
yeah where else do you get that that
fire of of this topic of communicating
through a video communicating through
things I
I think I I watch growing up I just
watched and listened a lot I won't even
say that I intentionally sought out that
those topics it was interesting because
it was just like you know how everyone
just watches TV on Netflix right my
version of that was just um the content
that I watched became the content that I
wanted to make right yeah because I was
just so well super coincidental yeah
because I'm like you know like I mean if
you if you are super into Cinema then
maybe like you may not become a
filmmaker right yeah but for me the
moment I watched
um these shows that I said about I I was
like I want to make something like I
wish I could do something like that so
there was that uh anyway I don't watch a
lot now because I'm so like I've done
this for a while so I get a bit like
okay like it has to be really
interesting now you know but but back
back then I it almost felt again natural
like the content that I gravitated
towards so and that's another thing
about content creation I think that
people would ask me like how do you find
your Niche and all that yeah well for me
it was very simple like I wanted to eat
it's as simple as I did have mine to eat
last time I wanted to eat and then I
naturally I just found myself
gravitating towards all these food
content so my friends will be talking
about you know um Christopher Nolan and
Reverend and Marvel movies and I was
just I could not care less but did you
see that Andrew Zimmerman eat the butter
yeah you know so I was like oh this is
um uh the the sort of like uh interest
that I sort of lean into and and
eventually something in me new like I
want to do that so if there's something
like I mean I'm for the people who are
watching if there's something that you
constantly find yourself going back to
ask yourself like could this be
something you could see yourself maybe
creating content about uh talking about
um and turning it into a career I don't
know it did for me yeah yeah I believe
that all of us have around 10 20
interest we have we because in a
different life yes if you didn't win
that 2013 thing yeah you didn't have Mr
Kumar there yeah you would have gone
through another interest you are right
so I had an interest in like so I was
basking on the streets of Orchard Road
right amazing right so this earning six
dollars an hour just put a hat there you
know by writing my own songs so I love
songwriting I love music so that's one
part right I loved
um um business yeah in general so I'll
try affiliate marketing multi-level
marketing yeah I love the idea of
Finance right a little bit like oh how
does money work so I went to financial
advisory go funds you know I I and there
were many different interests so all of
us have different interests yeah curious
for you yeah what were your other two
three interests that if it's a sliding
door moment where you didn't get that
affirmation from there yeah you probably
were to be somebody else yeah the two
interests that you had I would be
embarrassed to say but that's like that
must be psych no for sure sight okay I I
and I'm still uh now I'm trying to see
how that interest can converge with my
platform exactly and develop yeah yes
which is cool right because I've been
doing food for 200 episodes I'm kind of
tired and bored and yeah you know psych
is definitely something because I
studied it I gone through a lot like a
lot of adversity to overcome when I was
growing up yeah and that Peak like sort
of gave me an interest in like can I
understand myself understand others so
that I can work through it it's like for
sure okay um but the other embarrassing
one is like I love music as well so
there was a point that like my friends
and I we were we had a band
in like uh polytime so we'll go and like
gig around write songs record music and
um I would have absolutely loved to have
gone down that path uh but then after
soon after we realized oh wow it does
not pay at all yeah yeah but really
cannot yeah if you're like top 0.001
yeah yeah and this was way before like
Sam Willow's time and all that so I I
gave up on that quite quickly but there
was an interest there there was a flyer
there yeah right song how many songs
you're wrote man oh so many we call it
an EP and you know I will I will say
right um it was then that I realized I
told myself hey I do not owe every
interest yeah uh to go a hundred percent
exactly and okay yes and it's okay yeah
um but what was cool about this whole
songwriting music thing was uh when I
was 22 24 I needed to raise money my mom
connected us with a children's home in
Nepal and I needed money but I didn't
have money to give them okay so like
this idea if I write an EP and I sell it
in my church right I can't raise money
yeah and I did that and I was like okay
let's rate five thousand dollars we
raised seventeen thousand dollars so oh
my goodness I was absolutely mind blown
and this was when I was 23 24 I know
money and I was aesthetic aesthetic that
this interest in the end took another
ship and form yeah uh it served another
purpose so like what if like Werner
music like the boss now Gerald right it
comes to you at that point in time he
said hey dude I think you have potential
I want to sign you on
so that's the beautiful thing you you
have we all have various interests but
not everything can be world-class yes
not everything can be world-class
performance reality check yeah I know I
know I now realize oh you know when
you're a singer or you think yeah you
think your voice is world class I'm sure
yeah and then you realize oh yeah you
[ __ ] you [ __ ] yeah you pure [ __ ] yeah
yeah have you heard Adele yeah the kind
of thing oh I know yeah you know yeah
so you could have done um psych uh maybe
you are even exploring side because the
thing about interest it doesn't die yes
yes it will all forever be there and the
beautiful thing about careers and if
you're fortunate enough it's always that
blending of interesting absolutely and
then yeah so you could have been single
songwriter right could have been could
have could have been maybe um you could
have you could continue to explore
psyche that means if that door for Food
King didn't open totally and you've had
a psych degree oh yeah where would you
go I would I guess uh try to be a
psychologist somewhere else I'll get
into counseling something like that yeah
counseling and all that right any other
interest that was interesting for you um
oh the other thing was writing yeah any
kind like for me it's poetry and
songwriting no oh yeah yeah yeah
right there's that one aspect but I
think I was thinking oh you know if I
can't be in front of the camera and
speak right but I can write so that's
another thing like I found myself doing
a lot I I would Journal a lot I would
express myself through writing even if
nobody read it so I thought maybe I
could write for a magazine or
publication so editorial Yeah by having
your blog perhaps yeah so uh that was
maybe another smaller yeah less
passionate about that but nonetheless I
identified it okay yeah so for for
everybody listening um the idea of
interest uh it's it's really we all have
10 20 interests it's really about the
idea of which one do you feel that the
doors of opportunity keep opening
absolutely and somehow sometimes if
somebody just come and says I'll sign
you on you won't be here yeah right yeah
if somebody on the bus uh streets when I
was basking on the streets oh yeah sign
I'll sign you on that I won't be here as
well yeah that's so interesting but
that's the beautiful thing about li-fi
it's just that time and chance and some
doors keep opening some doors don't
absolutely so that's interesting we move
on to the second part strengths where
it's just a natural inclination for you
um sometimes the inclination comes in a
way that you look forward to certain
tasks that means for example you know
you do Project work okay can I be
presented that kind of thing right right
you you gravitate towards certain things
for you um where if you to break down
the task for me like I gravity towards
always about
um trying to figure out what is the heck
so I I imagine my life I'm always a
hacker wow I always like if I if you
don't walk there right I'll say hey
let's cut the grassland oh you know it's
always trying to find a different way if
I drive then I'll try to find a
different way then sometimes get into
accidents sometimes get to it yeah yeah
yeah but it's always trying to find a
different way so I love hacking wow so I
heck I love hacking performance and
that's why I'm a coach right now right
for for you what tasks did you generally
kind of like saw that
that it was you look forward to that
task you break it down into the task was
it like really the idea of in front of
the camera yeah anything else yeah uh I
I love being in front of the camera
people are like how does some don't have
camera one primary school not really
happy yeah yeah yeah or being on
audience you're having an audience I
guess because I was so attention I
didn't have the attention growing up I'm
like hey look at me guys anyone pay
attention to me no one's at home uh but
yeah your teachers would probably say
that your attention seeking and that's
negative yeah thankful that's why I tell
you Mr anyway thank you he said like
yeah maybe maybe I was yeah and he's
like we need to channel this and package
this so that he has an outlet exactly
yeah yeah maybe maybe okay so you were
you you you as long as the audience you
light up I light up I feel like I'm I'm
so thankful and excited that I have a
chance to be hurt to be seen yeah and to
give you something of value uh so uh
being in front of the camera
um you know I don't know when when some
sometimes people say like how come
you know there's lights on a set you
know there could be lights and like 10
people on a production set right and
there's this like moment of where you
just have to tune everything out and
Zone into your craft and deliver yeah it
makes me so thrilled and excited as
opposed to fearful and paralyzed yeah I
I I flipped that that adrenaline into
performance yes and that's the part that
makes it like wow very fun for me yeah
so athletes call that the flow ah right
right right so you're in that flow where
you just tunnel vision you are yeah it's
almost like you are in a joy right yeah
your own body yeah you naturally know
what is the next steps yeah and when
everything completes it's like oh that's
kind of natural for me yeah yeah yeah
right right and then to see the final
product after that super fulfilling yeah
okay so besides uh audience you
mentioned just now about also crafting
the words what words are better because
as songwriters
words are so important yes emotive words
oh yeah means so much especially now
content creators where we we are always
about like what words what Hook is
better ah yes so if you're on screen and
all that you can say the same thing but
somebody else says something already is
like wow so the play of words was that
something that you noticed or something
oh yeah absolutely I was so drawn to
language and I mean like the the use of
language the nuances the yes the the
sensitivities in different words and I
did uh I did lit right so it mattered so
much to me what I was saying but not
just that but how I was saying it yes
and um how I can communicate this and
you you add a layer of humor in there it
becomes magic right so uh I'm super
sensitive to words I'm super sensitive
to uh what is said and how it's being
said but
um I also started to realize I had a
huge Storage Bank forwards so I can take
in a lot of information and regurgitate
it out in the form of a script or
um in writing uh this was something I
noticed in my exam period so it's like I
can take in a chunk of information all I
need to do was say it out or write it
out and it will be there so I learned
that my my sort of like learning path
was auditory uh I I don't need visual so
I'm not a visual person which a lot of
people are surprised but I'm not
official person at all so people like
don't say that I'm a very visual person
I can imagine I cannot lie I'm a
conceptual person and then I think in
words so uh I I could not care about the
visuals of a podcast and just absolutely
Zone into what's being said wow yeah so
this is something that I also started to
pick up when I was younger and
um uh in the communication aspect of my
job I'm I I would say I'm very sensitive
and try to be attuned to it so I was
trying to refine but now everyone's
attention so I have to think of like the
hook you know oh gosh yeah first three
seconds yeah yes it's a bit of a
challenge yeah right so for you you saw
um if if you um if there was almost like
a strength for you you would also notice
when some other content creators didn't
use the right words yeah right totally
it's like what a waste you should have
used this exactly all right don't say it
like that yeah yeah you should it would
be better if you see it like that yeah
so so that is the that's the it's almost
like the the gift of copywriting yeah
yeah right yeah so um some emotive words
usually for example like
um there are two ways of saying uh
Finance right Finance is one but money
is better right I buy the same thing
right but money I lose your money or I
lose your finances right very different
let me feel see right so that's that
that's the nuances where for you there
was a strength for you yeah you found it
and then you kind of naturally
gravitated towards it do you see
yourself changing a lot of the script I
don't like this word we change it to
this other word or is it because you
were producer it kind of like flowed out
of your mouth easily oh yeah and we
don't do scripts after that yeah we do
points because we I I learned that oh
okay the more organic and natural this
sounds I'll just phrase it in that
conversational way so we don't do uh
yeah okay and then and that helps me
train my natural uh selection of these
words yeah of course I'm like okay my
intentions to make it uh natural
conversational and then still bring the
point across right it trains my brain to
be like okay put this sentence out yeah
how do you say uh how do you do a call
to action and make it sound like it's
the most organic natural thing that
trained my brain a lot to formulate
these lines yeah cool maybe a better
horse right so that's another one in
terms of strength
um one thing I'm I'm always curious
the human body is almost an instrument
especially visually so body language
yeah so my assumption is that you are
very in tune to how people say things
with their face their eyes and their
hands yeah and how they sit and things
like that yeah was that true yeah I'm a
very sensitive person actually so I cry
a lot I cry more than the average male I
don't know uh my friends tell me like
yeah I I pick up on things a lot yeah so
like you said body language or even just
a shift in your energy your Vibe yeah
whatever in a on a dinner table I'll
pick it up you know yeah so I think that
that used to be
um I used to view that as a weakness or
like why am I always so sensitive you
know and and when I was younger I'd be
overwhelmed by emotions but now learning
to manage those negative emotions
allowing to manage my emotions
um I've really learned to see this as a
strength yeah yeah I can I can use this
sensitivity for good and for
um uh good work especially when I have
to interact with somebody else I sense
you have the same gift right so you know
it helps when you interview someone
absolutely right yeah yeah the funny
thing um of course I do a lot of
profiling for my my work with mncs and
so they are kind of like 34 different
profiles of a person that gift that
you're talking about is empathy yeah
empathy means that you look at somebody
you can sense how they're feeling
without them saying anything right yeah
the funny thing about me my empathy is
last is it very strange oh but the funny
thing is that I'm I use other strengths
that I have to be able to kind of like
feel how people feel I'm not the kind
that you'll cry oh okay okay oh okay
right so it's like oh yeah so it's like
really bad so last time like girlfriend
crying you know then he's yeah yeah I'm
like so a long time ago girlfriend
crying is like you know you sit down in
a cafe last time was Cafe cartel at like
yeah yeah
then he's like so in my mind like this
is my mind huh should I order first
should I order first I think she quite
finished then wow I'm serious because
it's it's um yeah it's something I just
didn't have yeah and and something about
that it was a challenge for me while
growing up but I kind of like you know
overcome it by by using other things
like that's crazy it's just
um the the reading of body language is
very important to me more than the
feeling so I don't feel here he comes
here first thing okay so like if you say
you your hamster died that I'm like I I
wouldn't know where this your hamster's
close to you yeah until I ask you a
question how do you find out um how do
you treat your hamster well then you say
my hamster's like a brother then I'll go
into that area of like okay I love that
I know how you feel compared to hamster
then bye again okay I screw it so so I
need to ask these questions for me to
feel I love that you found your a
different way like a different way to
access the empathy anyway yeah that's so
good yeah but it's it's a it's a longer
way but it works for me sure yeah that's
great so for your empathy um the ability
to feel it almost
if I put myself in your position as a
producer and also you are always
putting yourself
in their eyes oh yeah
all the time that means you while you
are doing this you are sitting there
looking at yourself should I do this
facial expression should I say this what
are they thinking what are they feeling
yes so I discovered this in my latest
it's a superpower man
I never saw it that way but somebody
asked me recently I was doing this
interview where I was interviewing
somebody and somebody said to me gave me
the feedback and said hey I thought you
could have pushed it way more you
shouldn't ask the difficult questions
you know push it get the make them think
and whatever and in that moment I was
like At first I was like oh really I
should have sharp but when I went home
and reflect on it I'm like there's a
reason why I didn't and that was because
the empathy I felt something I didn't
want them to feel uncomfortable I didn't
want them to feel Corner in an interview
yeah where I'm trying to uh honor and
respect their their sharing and their
story I didn't want to interrogate them
or make them feel like I'm doing that
just for the sake of getting good
content or juicy content and I think I
had to be okay understanding that I will
not get the juicy clips for the trailer
yeah but in that interaction that person
will leave feeling like I'm not being
invasive and I'm not trying to to just
use that person for that use that story
for just a transaction or just for
Content the relationship and the yeah so
I put out a bit I say hey is it this or
this and there was a leeway for that
person to go like
and just spill right they didn't they
didn't take it and I took that as okay
enough I don't want to push right yeah
yeah and that's the superpower one thing
I've learned when it comes to these kind
of um I call it like personality DNA a
lot of us when we're young
that it seemed as
um a weakness yeah yeah for example for
empathy you're over feeling yes where
you hang out with a friend who's very
sad you go home you're sad yeah right it
spills over yeah a little bit the funny
thing about strengths is the idea that
it is both the yin and the Yang
absolutely so your ability to
communicate is the best things about you
is also the worst thing yes because
sometimes people might feel that you're
not listening to me yeah you want to
communicate the feeling is the same so
one thing that we I do feel that
nobody's really sharing that much is
that your greatest strength is also your
greatest weakness absolutely and if you
really want to see your strength you can
actually look at all the weaknesses you
have and flip it that's really good what
the heck ah see this hacker that's
really good yeah so if you are always
yeah shortcut and always hacking things
yes uh people call you lazy yes but
actually your stream oh yeah your
Tactical so good and you're trying to
find the 80 20 rule I love that yeah so
it's the idea that
um within the strengths that we have and
the weaknesses the these all can point
you to the direction of actually what
you're built for absolutely and I would
like to add to that especially if you're
a dude who is a bit more emotional
creative artistic like that societies
are the Rewards or affirms yeah I would
just like to say that I had to learn
that my feelings are not bad yeah I used
to say things like I shouldn't feel this
way but uh you know leaning into sight
and a lot of like uh Health material
right impossible impossible and the more
you suppress the feelings will come back
like 10 times stronger they'll gang up
on you right but now I can just say oh
feelings are signals they are telling me
something and what they're telling me
and when I look at that from that
objective I can go like okay this this
is all right as opposed to or look at me
being overwhelmed by emotions again and
now learning to manage that view put it
in its place and then also uh use it as
a strength when I as a strength when I
need to yeah yeah so that's maturity
when we when we're able to know and very
clearly so maturity is one thing
maturity is holding two opposing
thoughts in your mind and being very
clear about it and being okay with it I
love the dude you should be my strength
you should be my therapist yeah so the
idea that I I can feel a lot and
sometimes I get overwhelmed to the
teller side is that
um yeah sometimes I can feel for
somebody and no one is it to close that
door and when is it to just carry on I
love this is so good I feel like I'm a
creative mess right then he's not just
everything I say so poignantly and with
such wisdom and articulation that's so
that's so wonderful things I mean I love
being a coach I love it so it's the idea
of hacking yeah same thing hacking
um and always about hacking is always
trying to find what is the lowest
denominator that we can we can like
what's the essence of it yeah okay so
last one when it comes to that is values
you know like for me my value is
Adventure I always it's about boldness
that's why I'll never join Singh who
right because people people who might
join thing who and government will be
like stability yeah and things like that
yeah so for me it's always pushing new
barriers and even this podcast is
pushing barriers of like yeah you can be
passionate about your job yeah right yes
you are you might be the one in 100 that
you feel a bit weird and all that but
you can actually be that one in 100 for
you when you're doing all these things
and then you're also going uh into your
own content creation and production
house and all that
what value are you living out almost on
a daily basis that you kind of like you
you're the one very few people who are
fortunate enough to live out their
passion absolutely what is that value I
I think it comes in several like several
facets right and one of them is on a
personal note I am a bus I'm I'm built a
little bit like you I I like spontaneity
so I routines bore me see I I just can't
say yeah so you know my office I don't
use one like my my my team is like you
go office you don't use I'm out at this
Cafe I'm out at that cafe because I just
need a spontaneity creativity for sure
um to think of new ideas new Endeavors
how can we do how can we tell this story
this way how can we show the food in
this way what how can we change things
up how can this video be different the
novelty the different angle that nobody
saw yeah so the spontaneity created that
one is very personally fulfilling for me
that's why traveling I love you know
just like everything is new right uh and
then would you would you also when you
travel want to go down some rabbit hole
that was implant oh yeah I have no yeah
I have no I'm not the person who has no
itinerary I'm the goddess see what
happens yes they're like I could go
without booking an accommodation and I
would love the thrill of it yeah so that
is also a personality DNA right yeah
that one is a the idea of being
adaptable right right yes so for you
that suddenliness Peaks you oh yeah it's
like hey dude let's go here now yeah you
know it's like okay I don't care what it
and then
um in our minds yeah in my mind I was
like okay after that we've been going
home already yeah and then I just go
like if you wanna go high too loud and
then he goes like yeah wow dude that
sent me I was like aesthetic that we are
going to hide it out and doing something
unplanned you know so that's the
suddenly suddenliness um so when I coach
clients who study leadiness the funny
thing is that
um that routine uh where so this is the
beautiful thing you can go to Starbucks
one time and you feel that there's a
wave of productivity uh but you go there
again and again yeah
yeah absolutely yeah so the idea for
people at you and me I also have that is
to catch waves ah love them you have no
idea where the wheel comes from that
wave of productivity can be 30 minutes
can be four hours exactly and you don't
know and you can go back and say that
Starbucks worked for me last time but
now it doesn't it's just like that
it's just a win so you go to another
Cafe and sometimes it doesn't happen yes
but sometimes at 2 A.M yes is when their
productivity comes absolutely until four
until six yeah so okay so spawn
spontaneous spontaneity
um creativity anything else for value
for you oh yeah so um as I have matured
in this space or grown in this space I
think increasingly one of the most
important things for me is uh impact and
influence I started to understand when I
started a Survivor survive I need to
survive I need to make money right yeah
but now understanding that my platform
can create change impact and influence I
consider that a lot more now than
profitability so
um my new series that's coming up is
entirely self-funded uh passion project
because I believe I've been creating
content that has been causing people to
to look outwards go and eat go and
travel but yeah the the new stream of
content I want to create is to help
people look inwards yeah and that's
something that now I'm I'm I sort of
like changed my mind a lot about that's
why I completely stopped doing my I post
my YouTube channel and people like what
are we doing I could turn out another 10
food videos yeah with ease but and
people will definitely pay you yeah no
issues and all that but it doesn't
fulfill me anymore I need to go deeper
and I think like impact influence has
been one of the main driving value for
what we do now yeah right yeah sounds a
little bit like the interest of sight
coming back yeah exactly and that's so
wonderful that I get to
um sort of merge that platform yeah with
this interest because I think a lot of
creators or a lot of social media
marketers think that once you find your
Niche you have to stick to it and and it
and you can you can but um I recently
had the honor of sitting with garyvee in
a room with other creators and he said
look people are following you for you
you are not just a fitness Creator
you're not just a food Creator you are
you and that's your USP so your other
interests Bring It On chances are people
will lean into it yeah I just watch the
video this morning yeah
yeah you were there and then you were oh
is it already oh I didn't even see it
yeah and then you will uh and yeah he
was talking about the idea that he talks
about everything yeah and you are now
the brand yes exactly so um I do feel
that definitely there's there's two
parts now one is that for sponsors if
you're already very um in tune to
sponsorships and all that then you don't
want to dilute your brand and all that
but I think you will come to a stage
where if you are big enough yeah you are
able to explore different things oh yes
it doesn't really affect anything yes I
agree and it kind of like opens up even
more sponsorships because now it's
really uh you are not just food yes it
is you and what do you value in life
yeah and I will say I was very
intentional about that even when I was
in NOC even though my main thing was
Food King I was like no my main thing is
I'm a host I'm a communicator and that
means I can tell anything I can talk
about anything right and so while I was
uh my main like Flagship sort of product
was Food King yes on the side I did I
hosted events I did everything so that I
could be an all-arounder right and be a
whole so thankfully that has helped me a
little bit to do now if I want to talk
about mental health or yeah that people
will still listen yeah what about psych
that you're so intrigued about oh
because from what you're saying is that
your YouTube channel yeah it's gonna go
a little bit into people yes and
something about this the uniqueness of
people yes what about that what about
Psych in general that you're so
intrigued by
overcoming adversity has been huge for
me and keep coming back to these two
words because I felt like I had to go
through so much beyond the smiley happy
excited personality that I've shown for
the for most of my professional career
right I've had to overcome a lot of um
um uh just even figuring out stuff you
know like I I
so what interests me is how
my interest inside came from oh maybe I
need to learn about my brain and how it
works or my story and my emotions so
that I can better manage it but then
that made me go like oh learning more
about people and their behavior and why
they do what they do uh then it helps me
to not just manage myself but it helps
me to relate better with a lot of other
people and it also Builds on this uh
empathy thing yeah because I look past a
lot of what to the why because of
psychology you know if somebody says
like you know this person's like this
person is like that I'm the I'm the dude
who goes like but I think that came from
that came from maybe like a childhood
trauma because she passed why I can see
past the what into the Y and then give a
little bit of compassion to to their
story and to to them as a person and
that has been done for me by so many
people in my life and so
um as I'm growing now that I have a bit
more stability yeah uh this is something
that I feel like is so important in my
life and so crucial that though it feels
like the only natural way for me to
expand and build my platform and evolve
is to is to now go into this yeah right
yeah right I don't care if nobody
watches I just need to do it yeah zero
views that's what I do yeah because it's
just that it's you yeah it's it's your
your message yes yeah right yeah
I I like the idea that um you you have
when it comes to when we don't
understand somebody a lot of times we
jump to conclusions yeah and um the idea
psychology you know that one of the
things is just that we have just
different lenses yeah and we our lenses
are sometimes given to us by our parents
Yeah by culture oh yeah and we are we
are born with also different lenses
right so like me and my sibling very
different personality wise yeah so I I
believe that nobody grows up to like
goes on Monday morning to become an
[ __ ] yeah nobody wants to do that
it's just that the circumstances and
lenses they have caused them to do for
sure right so for you when you're doing
this it's really
um you want to help that person uh the
listeners to be able to understand
themselves yeah and um and they are
under them themselves what is your hope
for them when they hear the things
you'll be doing
what do you want them to go back or what
will their life be different
I think for so especially in media yeah
we feel the need to be a brand to be a
product to be to put on a Persona and I
think for me
I've done that for a very long time yeah
sure with authentic with authenticity
but with a lot of other agenda and I
just hope that My Hope for my audience
and even myself is to
come back to that authentic self and to
find home in the authentic self to be
okay in the authentic self you know
um I think when I
when I
talk to for example we had um a CEO on
our show and every time I say this
person's name straight away company name
net worth success story like we know
everything already but there is so much
more to that person and their Journey
than that brand and that and that and
what the media has reported and I hope
to uncover that and that is uh maybe a
revealing and affirming of the authentic
self yeah well thank you for asking that
I didn't even I never even cast this
Vision to my team they're like why are
we doing this that's really good thank
you so much we got extra memory cards I
have so much to learn from you the way
that you ask questions like that that
was really helped me think through yeah
why am I doing this yeah thank you I
mean yeah I love I love the idea that we
are uncovering different things so one
one thing for me is that um before we
leave and all that yeah uh one thing
very big is that when I hear all these
things that you're doing and all that
it's really the idea of the themes that
I hear is that really uh
try an error yeah like you almost gave
up once you finish your University and
like just that's it like just go and go
and just find a job right so just keep
trying yeah keep holding your skills
understand that the gifts that are given
to you are not uh of your own doing it's
somehow implanted for us we just believe
that God has given us other people
believe that it's just planted yeah
right but our role is to Garden it yeah
and our role is to flourish it
absolutely and we have many gifts yeah
right yeah only one right yeah it could
have been a songwriter you could have I
could be a song it's just uh no we also
need to understand that
um success yeah equates to opportunity
absolutely and preparation absolutely so
you can be very prepared all the time
but there's no opportunity absolutely so
these doors are opportunity sometimes
come sometimes the beautiful thing that
you shared is that the doors opportunity
opportunity that you had is that you
kept pushing and you kept joining
competitions you kept trying different
things and if you never tried that
audition to say that yeah they won't
want me like yeah yeah you didn't buy
that lottery ticket yeah you would never
know yeah right and then lastly is the
idea that there's more to you than just
that the brand that you have oh yeah
there's a personal part of you that for
I think after a while for Content
creators we will become more Comfort
comfortable to really show that
authentic self that it's not just about
that money yes because it's still a
business in the end yeah right if nobody
gives you sponsorship cards you have no
team and all that correct so there's a
business part but there's also that that
rise of that authentic self yeah who's
that true that true person yes and what
is your you have a voice you have a
story yeah what is your story and your
story is going to be different from mine
absolutely yeah so beautiful one last
thing you are so clear and structured
this is your gift is it you wow that's
amazing because my mind is my mind feels
like a creative mess all the time
everything is everywhere all at once
right yeah yeah but that that is such a
concise breakdown summary that's so good
you did it all without notes hey guys
he's just listening and like that's
amazing yeah thank you thank you thank
you thank you uh yes last question sorry
where they came from anyway so um I'm a
hacker I always love to hack things
um for you as a as a I would say a
master Communicator right okay I'm a
communicator okay thank you
when we are when uh when the guy on the
ground is trying to communicate
something it could be a presentation it
could be uh on screen but anything when
it comes to communicating what is a hack
that you have that you can give to that
person to say that yeah you can try this
out this will give you that so much more
um multiplying effect Catalyst effect
when it comes to communicating um
I don't know if it's a heck but say uh
but I want to speak maybe Beyond uh
communication to like content creation
if that's okay and I I really want to
you have to just start yes because I
cannot tell you how many people have
talked to me about asking for advice for
being a content creator and none of them
have started yeah you know as so many
people just like can I get your advice
and they ask detailed questions right
and I'm like dude I'm sincere questions
but I don't see one piece of content no
effort no no action no action yes
research yes but there's no effort in
putting yourself out yes the heck is
right when you do it when you watch the
footage it will give you all the
information you need to improve
immediately you're gonna be like wow I
talk like that I sound like that I look
like that why do I come with a full face
or makeup because I know this morning my
skin looks super tired and my acne scars
are there but I need to look perfect but
the moment you watch One Piece of thing
it tells you everything about your body
language the way they need to speak
whatever film yourself so put out that
piece of content and start
um the other flip side to this a bit
more internal one and when people ask me
what's that advisor I always say you
have to guard your character character
is more important than Talent we've seen
especially I have seen right I mean I
came from NOC and yeah and the big Saga
the big Saga and people going to jail
and all of that like without character
integrity honesty if your private life
is not uh congruent with your public
all your talent all your skill set can
be gone overnight and it has for so many
people yeah and the reason I'm still
standing here and the reason I still
have a platform and I'm able to do the
work that I do is because I do the work
that nobody sees which is not just the
talking not just the standing in front
of the camera I make sure that the life
that I live that is congruent
um behind the camera off the platform so
that I I can be I can answer to myself
and to my audience and to the work that
I do and live that authenticity out yeah
cool cool thank you so much um I what I
picked up there and what landed really
for me was them when you
content equations like that it's the
funny thing is that you ask Picasso when
he drew his first painting [ __ ] yeah oh
yeah my first audition were horrible
exactly so uh first EP also bad compared
to maybe Michael Jackson's tent and all
that yeah so when it comes to content
creation one thing I also learned and
also from Gary Villa is the idea is that
the quantity gives you quality oh yes so
the more quantity you have the more it
tells you exactly what works what
doesn't work yeah you may put in 10
times effort for this piece yeah no big
is a [ __ ] yeah yeah you put in zero
effort yep that one goes to like what
the heck yeah so the Market's always
right and you never know what the market
wants yeah just quantity yeah the hack
is right there because the feedback is
so fast the numbers are there the the
stuff is all there to sort of give you
the information you need to take the
next step yeah so I remember like tick
tock on the first few journey I was just
dancing so a boomer dancing you know
trying to do Renegade I need to say yeah
yeah it's the first few I'm doing
ridiculous things doing ridiculous
things and I leave it there and
sometimes my team's like
and then let let it let it show you that
after a while suddenly one became 4K I
love that then Sally another became oh
then yeah but leave it there I love that
and that shows yourself and the world
that authenticity exactly nobody has it
right absolutely absolutely I love that
I love that I'm going to find it and
then repost it on myself oh my goodness
a boomer trying to dance Renegade and
all that [ __ ] okay anyway so thank you
so much I I do feel that a lot of people
have been impacted thank you I mean the
most important story is the authentic
story of self and um
um everybody's story can be Rewritten
and that's the beautiful thing yes even
though you're 40 50 and you're not
living your passion yeah you can always
do that KFC did it bloody 65 years wow
wow so it's the beauty that is the it's
the risk of if you don't do anything
yeah at 80 yeah you're gonna regret
absolutely but if you do something at
least you could say that you've done it
and sometimes the dose of opportunity
and the grace of that the gods of Grace
will see you and says that give you that
opportunity and sometimes you don't yeah
but you try absolutely so thank you so
much for inspiring that generation thank
you thank you for having me it's been
I'm I am blessed by your gift today
because like I may be at like opposite
gifts right so to see this the way you
communicate the way you articulate the
way you package it oh man I'm learning
so much so thank you for having me and
thanks for watching guys thanks guys
thank you