Becoming a Coffee Barista & Café Owner - Zenn Soon (Wakey Wakey) | The CJH Podcast EP2

*Captions are taken directly from YouTube and may not be 100% accurate


we have a guest called zenn zenn soon and

she is the Singapore National Barrister

Championship 2018 number one she also

will Barrister Championship

semi-finalist she's the co-founder of

wakey wakey she used to run strangers

reunion strangers at work and curious

palette so thank you so much for being

on this thank you for having me awesome

so I've always been curious about this

whole idea of passion and why people are

so passionate about certain things and

some people are lucky enough to be able

to make that into either a career a

patch Um passion project that turned

into career or even a business so for

you coffee seems to be the one I think

that yeah I was reading somewhere it's

like you what copy I saw something yeah

okay so

but I know that this is not where you

started after school and all that yeah

so I believe that when we go through

careers we need to go through some kind

of wilderness we need to go through some

kind of testing out trying out take us

through how you you stumbled on and I'll

finally found that coffee that love for


um I think it's taken me a while I

dabbled in a lot of things like after

I did relief teaching after JC oh I also

did yeah yeah in between JC and

universities what do you do I did like

actual teachings

that's probably where I learned that I

cannot be a teacher I think fifty

dollars a day or something yeah yeah so

it's pretty good money for like that

time oh okay yeah but then they call you

at six plus seven yeah okay it was quite

nice really really teaching yeah I did

release teaching then I went to UNI I

stumbled into events coordinating okay

so there's this company in Singapore I

my dad knew the boss yeah yeah so I did

a lot of work is the global as well as

local right so it was good fun I did

like MTV Asia Awards and this was all

throughout my University time so

whenever I come back for I came back for

holidays or if they happen to have an

event in Melbourne I would do that so

that was good that was really good

exposure for me okay so while you're in

while you're a student in the events

yeah events and I was a freelance


because I was in Melbourne right so I

took my awesome swim


well Australian swimming such a fight

man but you weren't in a school team

last night okay okay so this is a set

and then you you taught something yes I

chose the two little kids interesting

that was good fun yeah you could you

really learn a lot I think from teaching

and from

from learning from little kids yes yes

the innocence and the the passion and

the love is yeah that's that's really

something yeah my brother used to be a

swim instructor also good condos oh yeah

yeah yeah so what else after that

um after I graduated I came back to

Singapore okay I worked at a charity for

a year

so that one was also quite events

related okay because we did a lot of uh

quite large-scale fundraising events

okay Golf and and all sorts of stuff

right right

um collaborations as well to to

basically raise funds for disadvantaged

Children and Families yeah did that for

a year and then

somehow I spread my wings yeah

completely cliche

um I became a flight stewardess okay

yeah it was one of those very random

things yes yes so like you know you see

the ad yeah then you went go for the

interview you get the job and you're

like oh okay and then five and a half

years later you're still in it

wow yeah so I did that for a while okay

five and a half years it was really good

I really enjoyed it like not so the job

itself yeah but the traveling yes and I

think it was great because I had a lot

of friends around the world yeah so it

was my opportunity my chance to like go

and meet everybody every time I go I was

like you don't have to think about work

once you get off the flight yeah yeah

that's true so it was really nice I

think I thought about being a student I

think that was maybe in JC just for fun

just it's like it's almost like three

holidays yes there's one of those

stepping stone kind of things it's hard

work yeah like I think a lot of people

don't see the work behind it okay

um I mean you you take a lot of

a lot of [ __ ] like yeah a lot of [ __ ]

yeah anything in customer service I I

always say that in life you must go into

customer service once in your life yes

as especially in FNB yes or service

staff yeah then you know how cruel

people can be yeah and then you go back

and then you see other people and then

next time you're nice to them yes but if

you never go there you'll treat

something like [ __ ] correct yeah that's

very true yeah so I was like a dental uh

in a dental clinic I was the person who

does the cashiering and all that yeah

okay so like they will throw their

credit card at me fairly yeah big

lawyers and all that

it's okay you give me money yeah but

it's like like the the I mean something

in their mind just tells them that they

can treat other people like [ __ ] and I

don't know why and yeah so it's always

something that even for my children I

say my school one time definitely maybe

a couple of months I think it's

parental as well it is how you're

brought up so why they see their parents

do yes so we see it a lot like on

flights I have seen how parents treat us


it translates to how the kids treat us

okay so they learn from that so the

parents should go and yeah they should

go and work in Fab they'll learn some


so after the five and a half years

flying most people actually don't quit

right or it's very late because yeah I

was like wow it is difficult to quit the

money is okay yeah you know you're very

comfortable very comfortable yeah yeah

so but I think for me as a female I felt

that if I want to start a family I'm not

going to be able to

juggle both properly true

um I can't have kids especially because

my then boyfriend he was a pilot okay so

we can't both fly at the same time yeah

you know especially when kids come along

right so that is sort of a push as well

okay but I stumbled into coffee because

well my

then boyfriend again yeah his name is

Charles young yeah so um we knew each

other from like uni okay but we lost

touch in between and somehow we both

ended up in the airline okay and then we

reconnected and he was he is still

um very much in the coffee Okay so

I think my my years in Melbourne were a

bit lost because I it being like the

specialty coffee Central yeah yeah I

didn't really go into that then really

yeah I was one of those like oh okay

let's go to Starbucks and then drink a

mocha but only because I need to hook

the table so that I can study yeah yeah

I was one of those and then add sugar uh

no no no no no no already very sweet so

every time I like go and I talk to

people with coffees like never take I

mean I talk to them so sometimes like oh

you should never put coffee uh yeah you

should never put sugar she never put

milk these two things that your


so I also understand in Australia um uh

people rather than Mom and Pop shops

yeah in terms of their coffee quality

than the chains yes right what like and

while you were there nothing no

conversion to coffee at all not really

oh that's so weird yeah okay I think

even because I was this poor student you

know I would just go home

okay study yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

that was what was there for right true

oh yeah definitely yeah exactly yeah all

my parents are like here

okay so you you learned about it uh from

him so yeah so we reconnected we got

together and then yeah we did a lot of

Cafe hopping and around the world okay

um started tasting a lot of specialty

coffee yeah and I yeah it really got me

very interested in it because this it's

so varied it's so so yeah many different

types and all the cafes look different

at that time especially when it's just

coming up yeah all the third wave and


the waiver and one of those waves of

coffees so oh different uh so the first

wave is different push okay

yeah so that was a whole culture thing

now yeah right then what was that one

restaurant that you set in then you'd be

like oh my goodness this is so amazingly

interesting I want to go deeper into it

not really okay but funnily enough

um in Singapore

I don't know if you know Papa paletta

yeah so Papa paletta Cooper wrote

there's something that you drive behind

and yeah yeah stop there and it's like

hell yeah we actually still have that


yeah but it's the hole in wall for you

yes and everybody's like yo you gotta go

there you gotta go there and try it it's

like it's like usually from for me the

first time I go there is always like I'm

thinking about Starbucks yeah I'm

thinking about like nice but then

there's like you compare and then oh

it's just different yeah and it's like

you see people like I went there last

time they didn't have any uh capturing

it's just tip jar yeah so it's like yeah

so that was your first

um I think that was my hey this guy

worked in Singapore okay yeah or and and

also you know the guy at that point no


um I had no idea right they were yeah so


happened to then at that point in time

open a shisha place

so that time shisha was illegal

oh my gosh every time Mark and me at

Arab Street yes all the time without

guitars trying to come out with lyrics

and songs yeah like three times a week

that kind of really bad

during that time it was the whole shisha

thing right everything yeah airstreet

yes okay so we know this guy we call him

China man okay and he's like this shisha

Master okay so we became friends and

they opened this Cafe okay and I got the

opportunity to then set up the FMB side

of it so because on top of shisha you

can't just sell right you also have to

sell your drinks and a little bit of

food yeah yeah so I did I decided to

quit okay and do that

I was just like

here you go do or die yeah yeah okay he

said and then so what you specialize in

coffee or you did everything no it was a

bit of everything okay but we knew we

wanted coffee in as well yeah

um so I I did like a random course in

Melbourne one of those coffee courses

came back and then

looked for people in the industry and

basically made friends we got the

machine got then got tips yeah yeah and

started it so that's the first time that

was my first time okay yeah and then I

think after a year or so there

uh I decided that you know me doing this

by myself trial and error trying to

figure this whole coffee thing out it's

not gonna work okay

um I can only go

somewhere but not further okay I can't I

can't you know is it because of um

usually when we try to rise up in the

confidence competency curve right yeah

it's either we have a lot of good

mentors around yeah friends they can

teach us or you are just understanding

somebody so so sometimes they will just

understudy somebody in some Cafe yeah

then they say I know enough and I set up

so I see that in a lot of chefs yes and

they do that yeah but you didn't have

anybody I didn't have then how

um I got to know about the Singapore

Barista Championship okay and uh last

year championship all the competitions

that were setting up yeah and I met

the then Singapore is the champion okay

funnily enough his dad is a pilot okay

yeah so so we kind of connected in that

way and he ended up mentoring me

I joined him to you know worked from

there we always worked from the bottom

yes right

he had his own Cafe so he used to he he

was Pioneer he was Papa paletta ah okay

part of Papa paletta the ones who set it

up yep and then they they sort of split

and yeah so he opened

strangest reunion uh and then strangers

at work okay and later on Kara's palette

okay so I joined them right yeah right

and started with all the learning not

just in coffee but also the whole Cafe

operations from floor all the way up

well and yeah competitions they did a

lot of competitions together right right

okay so he mentored you and there was

one way that you actually rise in the

club and see hierarchy yeah definitely I

think it's important to have someone to

guide you along just no man's an island

right yeah yeah you need someone who has

been there or is going somewhere you

know together and in order to just Rise

Above the Rest I mean always stand on

the shoulders of giants yeah I mean it's

if they're willing to take you in yes

that's the thing so I was really lucky

yeah so the whole person of a good

student always

um what is a good student a good student

is conscientious always trying to learn

the most respectful yeah the time of the

mentor and yeah and yeah always has um

honor back to them and where you go in

the future you know where you started

from yes I think it's important to to

remember your roots exactly yeah

artwork that went into this exactly

exactly so then you won the championship

then things change or was it before that

things really changed really change in

Huawei that means like um after that

it's like okay now everybody's starting

crowd round or is it that you you open

yourself to a new opportunity because

now you're at that level that's a little

bit more prominent then now more

opportunities came in and you were able

to expand that love of coffee even more

uh yes I I that's definitely so

um I think competitions is

a good way to learn more because your

daily operations your everyday coffee

making is not going to really push you

unless you have that that you know self

push true you need and so the

competition gave me the opportunity to

really go and experiment go and find out

more things going delve deeper into

coffee yeah and that was what was great

about it so I competed for I don't know

four years okay yeah four years yep in

local competitions before I won my

before I won Singapore and then went on

to do worlds and

yeah that really opened doors for me

because you you see so much and even

your fellow competitors just watching

them it's amazing yeah hot I feel coffee

is such a broad

topic yeah yeah and so many things can

happen there's so many variables yeah so

it's like a I mean there was a quote

about uh same thing as like something

like as profound as the book of the

Bible like uh it it's a shallow for for

children to play in but it says deep uh

that uh Scholars will drowning so same

thing for coffee can be very simple yeah

where it's like well nobody else really

touches on those unless you're up show

this with the people who are there

Olympic level yes it's really healthy

you want you want to go okay okay so

then so that was your journey to Coffee

yeah that I'm still in 10 years later 10

years later wow 10 years later and okay


interesting okay so coming back then

um when it comes to Passion I do feel

that some people most people look

forward to Friday so that's why it's

TGIF like TGIF yeah Bingo is Friday

um I'm looking for people that are tgim

right thank God it's Monday I get to do

what I love to do so what do you like to

do it's passion so there's a passion

part but a lot of people feel the

passion is very fluffy extremely fluffy

because sofa passion means what follow

happiness so I Define passion to three

different buckets yeah so there is

interest that means in the topic for

example for coffee you can talk

couple hours no issue they're counting

so there's interest there's strengths

that means while you're doing it the

tasks that you do somehow is natural to

you so athletes call it the flow you

kind of know what's the next steps that

the tools feel light for you yep and

then lastly is value that means

something inside you very deep inside

fuse you feel that while I'm doing this


it pushes or it helps me Express

something important to me in life very

important okay so I want to break it

down uh and I want to ask you based on



for you when it comes to Coffee interest

um yeah when I think you talked about it

a little bit just now but but what about

if you were to just share me of all the

things in coffee uh what really

interests you the most the fact that

is a life product okay and

there are so many variables there's so

many different things you can do yeah

with it it's

it's really like never ending right

right and that continues to challenge me


all through the years it's just one of

the other people are always coming up

with new things right to do with coffee

even though it's just coffee right

coffee beans yeah this one bean yeah and

then you make into a drink yeah why so

many things yeah yeah so that is just

so then something about never-ending

things that you can explore yeah that

really interests you yes so you can

really go deep dive into many many

different areas of coffee yes right okay

so as a commoner I have no idea what

that means right uh okay okay so

interest for you is that you can talk

about it and for you can you talk about

it for hours and no issue I think so

yeah right there's so many different

types of coffee also right yeah then if

so even in music right there's a lot of

genres right so Eminem is rap genre as

well is ballot right yeah so probably in

coffee there are many genres that I'm

not aware of yeah of all the genres what

excites you interest you energize you

the most which part of it is it the

coffee art right there's also one genre

yeah there's one thing you know it's the

most visible one right yeah everybody's

like oh yeah that's not recently this is

and somebody blew a straw in it then

it's like yeah so that's cute but yeah

maybe not that much skill so in terms of

the genres and help me break it down

like for off all the drawers I don't

need to know all like but for you which

one is it taste definitely taste taste


um I think it's very personal

but if you know what you're looking for

you can find it

in different kinds of beans different

methods of extraction right you can get

different things from your coffee and I

think that is super interesting to me

right then how your palette takes

something and how it recognizes the

flavor is also amazing right A lot of

people come to you come to our shops and

then they're like oh um I want it very

hot very bitter

and sometimes you're like but that's not

how I want to serve my coffee okay but

then you also have to remember that is

their preference they've probably been

drinking coffee even before I was born

yeah ah yes and then if you want it from

me you already tasted what I can give

you if you don't really like it okay

so it's

so taste yeah I didn't taste this it

sounds as complex as wine yes it's very

similar actually you're finding the

notes and finding all that in the in the

drink okay yeah

so interest also there is a there is a

learning towards it so you had

mentorship then in terms of you went for

a two-day course and then you probably

did other things is it more of studying

books or is it more of a can I just

check out how you did that and all that

how do you learn a bit of both okay

um definitely you have to do your theory

and your

always like reading new new articles

that come up about it yeah

um but it's very Hands-On as well okay

you really need to practice Yeah and

well first you must learn the correct

technique yes whatever is correct at

that time and then tweak it from there

okay and just practice practice and

taste and practice and taste all right

bicycle you cannot really just read the

theory and then you just have to do it

yeah you just have to do it okay so

after interest there's strings so for


um while you're doing coffee I'm not

sure even like it's the taste that it

could be the taste and all that what

comes naturally for you when people look

at you or people talking to you about it

it's like

um it seems like you are already

advanced level but even though you just

started out those are those are Clues to

some of the strengths that you have for

coffee what task was it was it the

tasting part or you could taste more

than other people or was it the making

part what is it that is probably the

making okay like I'm a very methodical

person okay so I I'm quite doggled when

it comes to uh focusing on something

right so I would just do things step by

step learn the the reason behind every

step makes sense of it yeah and then

I'll keep practicing until it becomes

basically muscle memory and I think that

has served me very well uh

like I don't even have to think when I'm

doing it yeah and it it comes very

natural naturally to me okay that's

called flow flow means that they just

like it's like you it's like actually

goes in the floor they don't really

think about cycling because like you can

do it in your sleep you know yeah yeah

yeah and still you know have it nice

night me not messy I'm quite particular

when it comes to like mess presentation

I cannot everything has to be okay okay

yeah so that comes naturally because

maybe coffee is also very methodical

that means everything is to the degree

yes yes and it is I see people doing

like the lap milligram last time in

science lab they they measure things yes

we weigh our way in way this way that

everything is weird so coffee sounds

like chemistry a little bit low yeah

okay okay yeah so maybe interest helps

with that yeah

who noticed it because uh in one

person's career like even for me when

people when I first started doing

workshops last time long time ago then

it's like hey you're very natural yeah

exactly I don't even think I'm natural I

think I'm just quite normal there I

think oh maybe in church I did a lot of

church dramas you know that it's like I

I it was natural to me but then when I

did for the corporate setting then

people say I was natural and that's when

I I didn't notice it I thought it was


cracker joke

but then it wasn't so we we do require

either you noticing it or somebody else

noticing it that can help you to say I

didn't know that okay then I go push

even further who notices it for you

hello my parents okay I think they've

always been like you know you can do

anything you set your mind on okay and

you can do this right yeah just take it

step by step you can do this right and

Charles young I think he he was a big

push for me and a big uh huge support

okay uh he was the one who was like you


just go for it

and but then again he was also the one

who's like

you must make sure your focus face is

also your resting [ __ ] face so please

be careful don't come across as too

scary and you know he he gives me a lot

of balance right and makes me more aware

of things yeah yeah okay so so parents

in terms of your belief in your beliefs

then uh him in terms of catching you

certain things that you do is like okay

you need to take note off yes awesome

okay so so that strength last one uh in

terms of the passion is values so

for me values is really I have a value

called boldness I always want to try new

things so like even now I'm trying out

Tick Tock so trying out like crazy like

just random things but then kind of like

it actually made sense I saw the

boarding pass one oh yeah yeah didn't

they go like viral yeah I went viral I

was on channel all my clients started

messaging yeah

okay I know this guy yeah guess what so

people come up to me and says hey can

you help me do a keynote for cyber

security wow

I don't even do security I don't do

even do zero interest whatsoever

zero passion but one of my friends found

me way he went over to Japan to do

um uh he's now a missionary yeah so I'll

School me yeah yeah so he when he was

booking in so I attacked SI Singapore

Airlines and all yeah it's like well

then everybody thought Singapore

Airlines like really bad because but

actually this is for everybody yes right

yes and you would know that because yeah

so then he took a screenshot he took a

screenshot of his um on his phone

boarding pass and then he said and then

Singapore Airlines came out of a new


do not share your information

is like hey you changed

so he has boldness for me constantly

trying new things and

um it pushes me uh in my interest of uh

exploring how to influence people how to

how to impact as many people as possible

in a deep down in my life I want to

impact as many people as possible but

that's my value of bonus for you when

you're doing coffee what value do you

feel it is pushing or you feel that you

are living out I think it's the the

courage or the ability to step out of

comfort zones okay that is what got me

here in the first place

um being able to you know come out of my

cushy yep

comfortable job and just delve into

something else completely like blind

yeah and that that has really

so so pushing courage and pushing our

comfort zone sounds like the same as

when you first went into event would you

really enjoy every single yeah it had so

much fun okay but as you know like while

you're in uni it's like I won events or

it's kind of stumble into I stumbled

into it okay so yeah events you stumbled

into Sia yeah I've been stumbling all my


I have no like no aim no Direction no

goal I just don't know yeah somebody

happened to be uh Barrister Champion

number one a nice one right so so um so

there's an idea of just pushing yourself

and and is it more of uh like some

people they have a personal like

uh so let's see how much I can do how

much I can push for is it for you or is

it more of what is it for you it's

probably that

um I think the the challenge to myself

to always want to learn more do better

find out more yeah uh otherwise I I

think I'm pretty much I'm quite chill

yeah yeah so if I don't do this I think

I'll just be like you know just floating

around somewhere

um yeah I believe in this so much that

you know you know my dog I have a dog

her name is Goya so we got her I think

11 11 12 years ago and when we were

naming her we were like okay

let's find a meaningful name yeah

so we settled on Goya

the nice story is Francisco Goya is this

artist who painted this painting called

the Donk okay yeah so we're like okay

but actually right it means get off your


yeah so she is like my constant reminder

too hey come on get things done right

yeah right right let's go yeah so is

that yeah


and you feel that that push

um is is something that draws you

towards that level of excellence and it

pushes you towards something that you

you feel like hey maybe even though you

stumbled upon it you want to be the best

at it yeah okay

awesome Okay so Susan so when it comes

to people following their passion and

all that I I believe that Korea is never

fixed it's extremely Dynamic I

personally went through 32 different

things right I was a balloon yeah with

my I was a basket on the streets or

Ultra Road we earned like six dollars

per hour right okay

yeah no you pass some places again

yeah so but then I did I did

professional wheel writing I did so many

different things and I felt that uh

there's an exploration and it also helps

me to understand that um a lot of people

feel that careers are fixed yeah like

even uni what do you studying media and

psychology I did like nothing oh well it

helped with my right teeth you know it's

an exposure so yeah yeah so we are we

are asked to try to figure out something

at 18. have a cure have a university uh

degree in it then after that try to do

something for the rest of our life I

think that's our grandparents no no

grandparents parents time yes but we we

don't do it this time and I feel that

the dynamicness helps us to be more

forgiving of ourselves for the first few

careers thinking that oh I have to stick

to it actually don't need to yes so for

you now it's coffee yep what's next what

do you think is next well it could be

like same thing again maybe you're

interested in that topic after a while

you kind of try it out then after a

while it's your value but what is next

for you

um I'm not sure I'm still you know my

eyes are open all the time I'm looking I

don't think coffee is it yeah

um I might still be in it but I think

I'm open to trying other things as well

yeah I thought of doing a masters okay

and I said I don't know see that's why

I'm not doing it yet

I dabbled in jelly like making jelly

cake you know jelly cake I know I got

that's it yeah so this one is a clear

jelly and inside something like that

yeah okay and then you you make designs

oh yes so then one layer then you use

astringent yeah yeah so you syringe in

the design upside down yes yes yeah I

did that for a while especially during

covert that was pretty good

interesting okay yeah so I'm just you

know always looking for things to double

in yeah


right now

yeah I'm still looking still looking oh

we'll see still exploring yeah okay

great last thing so

um when it comes to okay so maybe one

thing I I want to just ask um I mean a

lot of people are not passionate in

their job they're just there for very

practical things right uh money right

mortgage things these are very practical

yes if you were to just like um if

somebody is listening and somebody's

like hey I'm on a little bit of a on the

Lich I'm not sure whether I should

follow this uh because you had a mentor

and you had like somebody to to look

after and then like kind of like show

you the ropes and all that but what what

regardless of it what would you kind of

say to somebody who like has a passion

but just stuck in their job

step out of your comfort zone


in the same light anymore

so so just just go for it yeah yeah why

why I mean of course there has to be a

safety that definitely yeah because

otherwise if you have no savings no

nothing then be careful yeah yeah but if

you're at the stage in your life where I

think you're otherwise quite comfortable

yeah and so enough starter for winter

enough sort of a winter

um maybe your responsibility is not so

bad I mean I have three kids yeah and

I'm over there yeah I know I'm like

every time a new one comes I'm like uh

how you do it yeah

yeah so I look at them and I'm like I

want to make their lives better yes so I

think by pushing myself and doing

something else is that gonna make their

lives better yeah so yeah now it's for

myself and also for my family yeah

definitely and I think that is a an

important consideration to have um yeah

okay thank you so since you are a copiso

right one last thing I love life hacks I

mean like that's one thing I mean I

always carry duct tape around everywhere

people but like slipper spoiler and one

of my kids are adopted something come

out duct tape everything like the

Doraemon yeah so every life challenge

can be solved with duct tape right you

just need to use enough well anyways

okay so that's life hacking I really

enjoy it um if there was a hack that we

just for us when it comes to Coffee what

would be one interesting hack that you

feel that actually you want to share

even if you don't know what you're doing

yeah or what you're tasting yeah just

act like you do

okay yeah because most of the time right

people don't know the difference anyway

right so so what you you say oh can you

can you taste those notes yeah yeah they

just you know like throw out something

that's like a safe one okay okay but how

about okay let's say I'm gonna order a

coffee and I'm actually quite average I

I'm not very deep into coffee and all

that but I want to start tasting

something I want to open up my palette

and open up something

um what should I order or what can I

start to dabble into I'm not gonna go as

deep as you but I want to try instead of

all my normal Cafe lattes what should I

try is that is there a bean I should try

or what should I order that is like okay

this opens up something see whether you

like it try uh like a pour over a black

filter coffee okay so because there is

more water in it yeah you get

the whole range of flavors inside okay

it will taste different when it's hot it

will taste different when it's cold okay

um it's the flavors are more opened up

so you can taste it a lot easier in a

way instead of like an espresso it's

just boom right yeah right so try a

filter coffee enjoy it it's a bit like

tea yes a bit like wine okay and you can

start from there and build on it but

please don't put sugar don't put milk

filter coffee no no espresso I'm fine

you don't like drink your latte your

cappuccino like I start off my day with

a double ristretto fat white okay it's a

milk drink okay because I got a line in

the stock right yeah but yeah fill some

coffee filter coffee is it uh a pour

over or whatever method so filtered

coffee and and there will be changes in

taste yeah from when it comes to

temperature yes temperature and of

course beans normally whatever they have

yeah your choice for me I like natural

naturally processed coffees okay so I'll

more often than not go for that right

but a lot of times I go to the shop and

I'm just like I throw it to the Barista

I'm like what it's called tasting good

today yeah just make it for me okay yeah

thank you

thank you thanks for having me so thank

you so much Zen for being here and

sharing that uh you are one of the very

rare people who I'll say it's almost


that's not the pineapple song I guess it

is uh is it passionate people at Peak

Performance so a lot of people at Peak

Performance might not be passionate a

lot of people who are passionate are not

peer Peak Performance if you're not

happy performance it's just a hobby true

right if Repeat Performance people will

naturally pay you yeah so you want the

rare ones I've been trying to find it's

extremely rare in Singapore most people

take the kind of like the normal route

so thank you for sharing it I hope that

this story inspires especially all the

uh closet coffee people who like just

want to come out and say okay I'm gonna

I'm gonna be uh Barrister or I'm gonna

just dive down to that passion ahead if

you need a job find me yeah

thank you guys thank you
