Ask The Coach EP02 [Feat. Darren Soon]
* Captions taken from YouTube *
when we think about energy we think
about a child
we think about a damn spoiler why are
you like that right it's work you know
why it doesn't matter whether you're
energized or not actually it's not true
hi darren thank you so much for your
hello hi jason hi yeah really happy to
to have this opportunity to to talk to
you i mean following you on your various
channels and
you are an inspiration to me your life
hacks are a live helper definitely yeah
how is going through life hacks i mean i
just wired away since young always want
to go whitehead life hacks and i keep
telling people then people's like very
mad about it and also like i forget it
i'll just share with everybody
yeah exactly and thank you i mean like
or not i i wouldn't have uh you know
learn how to unbuckle my seatbelt faster
and you talk about the the core identity
as well right at the fourth yeah
life hacker is one of them that's uh
yeah that's fantastic yeah and and you
know i like the i'm on your web page as
well where you have the duct tape and
you see many instances in my life that i
wish i had i know a role of strong duct
in my arsenal there definitely yes
yeah yeah you should i mean like we
talked before this that you have you
have kids and all that well a doctor is
a must man repair shoes prepare bag
repair everything yourselves repairing
books with duct tape it's always beside
me it's ridiculous like people think
that i'm some kidnapper that has a role
duct tape just needs some like raffia
string and all that and cable ties
there could be opportunities for that i
don't know
right but yeah i mean i remember walking
across orchard street road and my shoes
gave out on me on the middle when i was
crossing the street and
yeah so that was uncomfortable i wish i
had duct tape there
totally mentally okay my intern so how
can i help you
yeah i like uh someone to explore with
uh the the situation i'm in okay so um
i'm gonna
uh share a little bit about my my
background so i've been working
in a company
a very good company multinational
company uh there has been a lot of
history it's been around for 100 years
close to 100 years and um
and i'm
been working in that company for 17
i remember the exact date that i started
october 25th
2005. so
just to share this damn rare to find
somebody who's yeah who's in this day
and age i've been in company for 17
years and it's not my grandfather's age
or my father's age right
exactly so
i don't have a lot of colleagues who are
you know uh i i'm i'm not the exception
i mean there's there's like 25 years
there's 35 years yeah you got the golden
watch thing as well i think that's two
years ago as well so okay it's not
unheard of in my company and maybe
that's why uh
it's it's it's a sign that it's it's a
good company to work yeah and um two
years ago if you ask me there was i had
but yeah i mean this this is it i mean
this is where i'll
probably be i mean it's given me a lot
of opportunities so i mean i said same
company but uh i had the opportunity to
work in different countries i was
working like in china working in
they have given me a lot of opportunity
to to grow myself i mean i've traveled
because of the company i've been to
places like latin america which oh nice
given my own choice i would not
go because it's a 40 hour flight
yeah but i think as life goes on i mean
when i joined the company i was not
married yet i was single i mean like
yeah you know throw me out there i don't
mind camping on the streets of paris
as well right yeah
but with a family so um your commitments
change yeah
okay and
after the the up
we are now coming back to the new normal
after the pandemic and starting to think
hey you know um that that next 25 years
yeah yeah next 30 years is starting to
lose its shine
okay okay so the issue now is that um
the question is really
do i what do i do now right i'm feeling
this way i love the company i
um i just feel a little bit stuck
right okay so
if you if you were to think about it
if i were to just ask you to
think about all the things that energize
you in the company right now
right so specific tasks that energize
right and then there are also tasks on
the other side of it where tasks drain
right i'm not talking about competency
i'm just talking about energy level
right right so for the things that
energize you are you still doing it
uh much less now because of the
pandemic okay so what really energized
me is um the travel i mean even though
it conflicts with the family commitment
but i do
like that opportunity to meet
uh our customers uh to go out to meet
different people from different cultures
be able to share
and and
what i feel that i share helps them
uh in their you know i know everyday
work right
with my company so that is really
valuable and of course i haven't
the last three years and everything's
been done through
zoom or
microsoft teams online and there's an
element lost there i mean just yesterday
which is something else that energizes
me as well is that i had i was asked
because i'm seen as like someone as a
senior in the company right okay to
give a few words of inspiration to uh up
and coming leaders who i guess hope also
stayed for another 17 years um
and and it was
done through uh through uh online right
yeah you know i was trying to
get them to create an open atmosphere
like what we're having today yeah like
yeah please you know it's quite common
for everyone to mute your mind but
actually you know we're only a group of
ten right it's quite cozy uh and i'm
sure that if if you were in real life we
were in let's say the board room right
in a big meeting room
you know there's there's no mute button
yeah right it's it's we're there but
face to face i can see if you want to
pick up a cup of coffee yeah you want to
go out to the
to the bathroom right now we have to you
know right excuse me i need to go to the
bathroom yeah and then that's this
feeling of uh
you know we're not forcing you to stay
online there yeah
so that's what i'm using so
so you so energized by travel that's one
thing energized by uh so you still give
a few words of inspiration
uh hopefully they will stay on as uh for
17 years as well yeah so for you then um
what is it is it more of um you feel
there are things that you're energized
but you're not doing anymore or is it
more of like um
uh is it more of the interest is wayne
what is it for you
yeah i think
i i like this this connection to to
people and and being
on the ground going out uh to meet new
customers and i feel that
the next 25 years i just see
that opportunities for that will be
getting less and less because as you
move up
hierarchy then it becomes more policy
making more
inspiring more
you know adjusting behind the scenes
kind of thing but not making a direct
yeah that that de-energizes me okay okay
to convert
to convert
real life into numbers so and a lot of
what i do is also modeling uh business
metrics with business numbers right into
a model so that we can make a decision
yeah and that
part uh luckily uh is more and more
being uh delegated uh to a like a back
office team to do the crunching
so that's the other day that
de-energizes me
i come from my generation where you know
numbers and math and science
is considered like a good if you can do
mathematics you can do science yeah
you're considered smart so i you know
there was a decision when i was in uh
you know
set three where you need to decide
whether you go to the sign stream or the
art stream yeah
right and because i'm good at studies
you know i went to science screen was
like no no-brainer
right and then after you do the
ascension then you go to to uh you know
a level then you go to university and
it's science science math math always so
i'm a trained engineer okay
right and and i don't like it
you don't like it
no no i i'm actually i have to be quite
honest like uh
at a levels then you know it's like it's
like a herding house you know the
the school that i was in was trying to
see how many we can
groom towards or push towards you know
like the top ranking university because
that will build their steps right
they'll come into the newspapers so that
they can attract more students and that
cycle continues basically
and so
i do well in math and science because i
only doing math and science
i felt was a bit narrow it was
engineering it was some you know
physicists or whatever right
it felt like yeah the the from from
university all the way to to work it's
all like those you know numbers numbers
yeah yeah but that is not something that
i like i can do
don't like to do right yes and i've been
doing that for 17 years now oh my
goodness are you serious
yeah exactly
okay okay my first role
uh okay so so if i ask you from a skill
i'd like to use a ruler in coaching the
ruler helps us to
take away all the vagueness
so when it comes to the energy ruler
from scale of 0 to 10 when you just
think about numbers
10 being that you feel very energized
you know your heart sings you feel like
wow joy like marie condo that kind of
thing that's 10. zero means like you
feel like what kryptonite to superman
you touch it you like kind of like
it sucks the life out of you
and this is about energy
it is not about competency
right right i can be damn drained but i
can do very well because i put in four
hours instead of the other guy who's
talented that's putting in one hour
for numbers
mats all these things for you from zero
to ten what is it
i would say it's about a four okay yeah
then you're totally doing something that
you're not supposed to be doing
yeah it's a it's a form because i think
that when i think about numbers i can
switch off a part of me yeah and get the
job done right yeah so um
it's it's scary uh so if i if you just
think about this why do you have a
quadrant right there's a quadrant where
the um there's x-axis and y-axis x-axis
is about energy level right
um higher energy low energy then
the y-axis is about competency you
looks like you are in high competency
low energy
yes right that's correct i call that
hollow endeavor
aha okay yes
and i also call that the professional
trap and a lot of people not only you
are there that means you wake up one day
knowing that you can close your eyes to
do your work
but it doesn't your heart doesn't sing
you're there because you are responsible
uh you are the go-to guy you are
everything else
but it doesn't mean that you are
you're an eagle that's running but not
an eagle that's fine
and the
very funny thing is that our bosses our
team members will never ever see that
they will see you as the person who
loves numbers good at numbers
we should give him more opportunity to
do numbers
at least the numbers part of the work
correct i mean
i'm dependent on to to deliver the
numbers of course
and a lot of my work
the lower energy
work is to convert the numbers from
reporting and that's that's what i'd
rate which i need to do every month
to explain
okay okay so if you think about it then
we want to go into the other quadrant
and the other quadrant where is high
energy and high competency yes
and what i call primal greatness
it is something that's just very innate
uh it is using your natural talents it
is like an eagle that first started to
to uh
it's an eagle like this that's either
starting to fly or already has flown yes
you know how it feels like it feels
natural it feels a little bit less
effort when you're carrying that task it
doesn't feel heavy it feels light yes
right so if i
yeah so whenever we talk about careers
it's always the idea that
do you know specifically what is your
primal greatness and primal greatness is
always about high energy high competency
where people can go to you
and when they request something for you
you feel your heart is excited it's
so when when you think about this one
exercise you can do is to actually i'll
send you a form where it looks at all
these four quadrants and i do this a lot
for careers right these four quadrants
where you will list down the things
that you're doing in each of the coins
and the funny thing about it is that
to be fulfilled in life
we need to understand that we are built
differently you are built very
differently from somebody else your
peers can love numbers you look at that
person you may think that okay this
person is just okay he's just like that
it's not you so what we want to do is to
be very clear about
the specific task that you do
right and that's going to be your
arsenal the task that you do that is
energizing and high competent
the task that you do that's energizing
and low competency as well
yes right that quadrant low competency
we call it misguided output
that means there is a chance for you
to be to bring it up to primal greatness
and why is primal grain is so important
as that quadrant
is because
see the funny thing is that
your boss and your co-workers might tell
you that hey darren not true i think you
love numbers
right they can tell you that it's point
but they are wrong
and you are 100 correct when it comes to
energy ruler yes
the x-axis you
you own the x-axis yes the y-axis
you don't own it your boss your your
co-workers the market owns it
they will tell you whether you are [ __ ]
at it you're good at it
so the y-axis however unfortunately
management and leaders they only look at
the y-axis for most people they never
care about their energy level they will
never ask you darren when you're doing
this excel or report how long do you
take they'll never ask you that no right
because it gets done by the deadline
correct yeah but you are up there at 2
am 3 am doing that report that drains
the heck out of you
and nobody knows that they just see a
good work and it's like wow okay great
so they assume that you love it
so that's the danger so when we think
about this first thing to do is do the
then you know specifically what are the
tasks that energize you and drain you
then you have this thing called leverage
because now you have no idea whether or
not to carry on with the company
and help them understand that hey
actually i'm i'm really great at these
things is there a role that i can play
that do more of these things
then you don't even need to leave right
because now you're feeling more and more
energized the second thing
if really worst case sorry we can't
really do that while everything is
frozen and things like that then the
other option is always looking outside
right but when you look outside the
danger is that you're going to put in
your entire resume of all the things
that drain you as well yes that's right
because why
is everything yourself draining well
that's a really long call [ __ ] man so
if we put that in the resume guess what
we are perpetuating the same thing
that's going to happen for the next 17
years yes
so you put experience experience
experience and it's drain drain drain
ranger and every now and then you put in
something that's energizing and guess
what you will find people that will ask
you oh you're so much experienced in
this competency the y-axis darren i
think you should be suitable in this
role of course i'll be suitable in this
role but i would die there yes
internally i will die there yes so the
other option is that when you are so
clear about the task very specific tasks
that you do that energize you
then you are able to actually
present that and start to rebrand
yourself if we talk about resume site
rebrand yourself actually no it's both
sides once you have a conversation once
you know this you can have a
conversation with your boss with your hr
and say that okay these are the things
that really i feel
uh we never say that oh i feel good
about it and that's why we do it i guess
why i want a job that's that we never do
that because why hr and your boss
doesn't give a [ __ ] about that that's
correct it is always the value add to
the company what's the productivity
what's the efficiency exactly
performance so when you brand it when
you talk to about this it's always about
i feel i can contribute the most
in these areas it's never about oh i
feel energized that's why i want this
because energy
very hard to quantify so most people
don't give a [ __ ] about it
so when we brand this once you do this
and you brand it you brand it internally
or externally it's always about this i
throughout my 17 years i have known that
this is my greatest value add to any
organization external or within the
organization these are things that i
will value at so much and the
conversation is never about bad
too good
the conversation is always about yes i
can do all these numbers things and i'm
good at it yes but you haven't seen
that's right
so you help them understand that there's
good to great there is a 9 upon 10 there
is a 10 upon 10.
yes that's right
and for them it's always about
performance productivity results and no
boss or hr would would turn that down if
you say that you can contribute so much
more to the organization if you do these
hey it's a no-brainer for them they want
to be able to explore it doesn't mean
they will give it to you but they want
to be able to explore
i pause now for a while just any uh your
thoughts so far
that's that's the worry i have because i
think i've been suppressing myself you
know doing the tasks that that and
if i i realize now that when i bring up
an inc and you know manage my team and
i'm trying to guide them and mentor them
i would just say that you know like
all work there's always the portion that
that it sucks
every single person has things on the on
the other side which is the training
part everyone
exactly but i think that
for my portion then like like i i would
even say that if the work is you know
like 50
you know that's that's the way it is
just do it and then suck it up and do it
yeah and that's what i've been doing for
for so long right you know like telling
myself that yeah i mean that's that's
part of the job it's you know you don't
like it yeah then you probably leave it
to the last minute and then you know
because you can do it you can do it but
you don't do it well because you know
it's just to get it out of the way right
no so the funny thing is that you can do
it people might think that you do it
right but you you know that you don't
push it you don't push that barrier it's
almost like if i ask a sprinter
to do a marathon they just something is
not right right they can do it but it's
just that they they don't have that like
yeah that flow
yeah exactly i mean like
if i'm like playing sports then you know
like you're not okay i don't really like
it anyway yeah so i won't i won't push
myself to to break past my limits
okay you know and i wouldn't even care
i'll be like uh hypothetically like okay
yeah so i lost okay who cares i lost the
race exactly okay it didn't really
matter to me anyway yeah but the the the
challenge i have now is that because i'm
not uh talking about the energy exits
like i do identify tasks that energizes
me like for example like uh talking to
customers and
you know helping them you know like
connecting on a more human level yeah
individually so i know their names i
you know what really matters to them
right and then i i connect with what how
i can help them uh give value to them
to individuals
there was not many opportunities to to
uh to do that right i took the example
of if i i was asked by the company to
fly to uh bolivia in south america and
that was because uh one i'm the go-to
guy because i'm the one person that
knows uh the most about the operations
okay so i was sent to to fly 48 hours to
south america to conduct a training
because they cannot fly afford to fly
too many people are certified only and
they trusted me to give the truck and
that was super energizing so i was
meeting people from uh you know like uh
venezuela ecuador trinidad tobago you
know you have this uh this very piratey
kind of english in the degree super cool
yeah what's up man
so that was really really you know like
breaking across cultures i mean some of
their english is not so good having a
deal with them learning about you know
what is
how they what makes them tick right yeah
and then giving that sending around a
room and giving them that that that
uh training
and feeding off their their energies
that to me is is what i want to spend
more time like doing yeah
okay so so one thing is that um you're
absolutely right when it comes to
see when you don't know what is
energizing or trading everything is
together you just look at competency
right and that's the previous 17 years
you just look at competency i'm good at
it my boss feels that i'm good at it hey
this is work
we are grown ups let's just do the work
right correct yeah because when we think
about energy we think about a child
we think about a damn spoiler why are
you like that right
it's work you know why it doesn't matter
whether you're energized or not actually
it's not true
the very funny thing is that if you want
to be the number one in your industry
the best of the best right
you need something that is you need to
leverage your unfair advantage inside
unfair advantage trustee that means
something that the mission just innately
already yeah so you so when you okay so
give your example when you talk to
different cultures and all that you feel
energized we're not sure whether that's
really something energizing it could be
something novel
that means like first time you eat laksa
he's like wow so cool yeah but
i give you laksa 20 bowls if the 20 bowl
you still say you like it then i i
guarantee that you like it
yes right so everything must be tested
by time
so we're not sure yet if i give you like
five other cultures to talk to and you
really love to talk to different people
and cultures and you appreciate that
uniqueness of each culture
and you do it so many times and you
still say it's energizing jason then it
is energizing
so it has to be tested
as well so in the past what should have
been done in the 17 years is that always
identifying energizing and draining and
always having conversations with your
boss in hr
there's this thing there's this
so when we talk about the bottom part
which is uh highly energized but
not competent
below average those are the misguided
output that is where we talk about
hey boss i actually overheard that was
sending a team to this place
i know it's a little bit of my job scope
i really want to be able to learn i want
to be able to expose to that because
that might be something i am quite
interested in on top of the things that
you're already doing
if you can help help your boss
understand that i will still do my work
but that's something of a stretch
project i want to be able to discover
then those mascara output then you start
to be very clear oh i've i tried this
out i tried this knockout i actually
know i thought it was something but it
then you put it under that side so you
keep testing
then for me in my my life i've gone
through 32 different jobs and businesses
32. amazing
i don't think you find anybody else so
i'm that crazy about trying to figure
out exactly what is energizing but the
funny thing is that imagine this like
the whole your whole life eat chicken
right whole life eat chicken rice
i love it also right
but the thing is then if you don't take
other things you never know what's your
next go-to food what's your nice what's
the food that you enjoy same thing as a
career same thing as a job you can never
i can no but somebody can sit down
beside you and tell you all the textures
of laksa you will never understand it
same thing i can tell you everything
about this new job that i feel that you
will love
but when you taste it you will know the
at this point of time if let's say
option a is carry on the company
it is to keep asking for opportunities
where you feel energized
right find opportunities where you
overhear a project where you sound you
you kind of like oh i'm part of this
project but i'm only doing this part can
i go to that team also and sit in or do
that part as well so you're always
tasting different foods oh so if one day
it's laksa one is testosterone or fun
one day it's everything else so every
time you're tasting you are clearer
about the doors to close
how do i know that that
if because there's not enough time to
try everything right because
not enough time so so that there must be
a certain way to at least
like okay what type of uh
to try i mean like like i don't think i
have the the the courage like you have
to try 32 different
i don't know i only tried one but then
yeah so
um it's the same thing if i ask you go
to hawker center and i'd ask you like um
what's your favorite food and you only
eat chicken rice in your heart you know
that you cannot say anything
right so it's really the idea of how
much how badly you want this
and if you want it very badly then there
are some things that definitely need to
be sacrificed that means you might be
working even more
because why you're stretching these are
all stretch
cca eca kind of projects things that
it's outside of your scope
but you need to test it out if you want
to really be fulfilled and really
leverage on the things that's inside
your talents your unique talents and
strengths you need to test so what you
test first you test for the very first
thing that energizes you you feel that
for all the five opportunities i have my
boss has given me five opportunities
from a scale of zero to ten see which
one is the highest number
and then just go for that one first
and taste it and you feel that okay ah i
quite quite energizing oh actually no it
sucks then you go to the next one go to
the next one the thing about it is that
whenever we look for opportunities in an
in an organization we always look for we
think about visibility pay promotion yes
correct right this is going to be good
for you in the long run but that's
corporate talk
right it's not about me
because i mean i've never sought
visibility as well
yeah but for for them um they will
always say this is good for you for your
next one because the assumption is
always that everybody wants to be
promoted right and hey this one is a
good project this helps you get
visibility for this
that's the carrot yes normal always
normal and then we bite that carrot and
then we like what the heck so yes it is
for the five opportunities that you have
for for example
they will tell you this is the best for
visibility this might be the worst for
very very worst one this might be the
most draining of draining this is for
example this is like come out with 20
excel spreadsheets every day that kind
of thing
right but what visibility damn good you
could talk to the big big boss exactly
so if you have exactly those
opportunities you know i'm gonna normal
totally normal so but then what do we do
if we don't if we're not clear about our
own we don't even audit ourselves in
terms of the energy level this looks
like the best option it's the most
logical option
correct so now
from this point onwards now we look at
it in the scale of energy level
and the reason is not so much your pay
and promotion the reason is for you to
close doors in your life so you can be
clearer and clearer
for your next 20 years
and it doesn't matter whether it's this
company or next company you just need to
be so clear and audit your own life
about okay i tried this out this is not
try this out this is not i thought i
like this it's not but this one it their
fire continues on
right again and again then you find more
and more opportunities for this one open
that scope up
and that's not very natural i think like
people in in companies they they want
you to stay in your your lane they want
you yeah and they they i mean even i i
tell my stuff like when they say oh i
want to try something else uh no no i
want you to get me that report done on
time i want you to get your job done on
or i would pre-define a lane for them to
drive pretty much okay i think because i
have a need there like i need them to do
that job so you need to have my kid or
not yeah exactly you need a hammer you
look like a hammer you better you jolly
well be a hammer because i'm your boss
and that's
i think you won't break up when i start
using you as a hammer yes exactly you
might be a screwdriver but yeah it's
pretty tough right yeah yeah so you can
actually use a screwdriver for a hammer
but then
it's it's always a solution base um
we're trying to fix things so in a
company it's always we have an engine we
have a thousand parts you look like this
part you go in there and then you just
grind yourself to a point where you look
like them more and more um
the the issue there is that
old school way
old school this is no issue our parents
time our grandparents time no issue at
all yes correct
you ask that to be done
similar to you the younger generation is
even more
sensitive to this idea that i am a
screwdriver what the heck am i doing as
a hammer
and so what happens
there will be there'll be a lot of
attrition a lot of issues with retention
that's correct that's happening yes
normal and what i see in the next five
ten years there will be a lot of job
popping to a point where hr just has to
instead of being like wow this guy
drop-off too many times are really bad
yes right to a point where hey well hr
wow this guy dropped hot but he's really
sincere genuine about trying to figure
out what he's good at
so it's going to be a shift
yeah that that sounds not we're not
there yet i think and that sounds
totally not there yet
but you will have you're on the horizon
okay but it will happen because it's the
same thing in university also we won't
give a [ __ ] about people in university
with a degree anymore we give a [ __ ]
more about portfolios in the future
if you can sus you can show me real life
examples that the market wants your
yes rather than the damn bloody degree
that means for example you're doing
sales oh i sell i sell basketball cards
and since my sales i've been doing this
i now have a team and all that oh my
goodness yes i want you in my sales team
rather than this guy who did an mba has
zero sales background nothing i'd rather
choose this guy
can do a great presentation
yeah not only that by their results
so when we talk about portfolios in the
future it's the same thing there's a
shift when it comes to hiring people so
it's normal about that idea of that okay
i have a very nice degree something
abc's behind my back is about portfolio
i've done this before in the real life
people have paid me money
and that's why i will be a great service
to your company i would hire this guy
rather than this guy
well then you could even argue that
companies in the future might not be
important so much anymore because i mean
let's say
uh let me take the analogy that you gave
right now i'm trying different uh
contribution in different areas in in my
company but some of those those areas
contribution might be not specifically
linked to my my title or my role
you might be doing uh completely
something else right maybe i'm uh
you know like working with uh uh helping
the homeless in the company as part of a
corporate social responsibility program
right it could be and that's not part of
my role so then does it really matter i
did that in which company
it doesn't matter so the companies are
the future to actually hold people and
retain talent
the movement within companies needs to
be a little bit more
if not let's say you
do i want to keep you if i'm your
company of course i want to keep you
like you've been there 17 years my god
right i want to keep you
but if i don't if i'm not flexible as a
company to say that darren i understand
that you want to try certain things okay
we actually have this um i'm willing to
be able to give you like stretch
projects and all that if you don't guess
what happens
you just go outside
yes someone else will need to give you
stretch somebody else would do that and
then i just lost somebody who is who
already knows the ins and outs of my
who really has enough network and
influence to be able to get things done
like that
so why not keep him and if the only way
to keep him is for him to actually
explore different things then i better
have a system where i can people can
really explore
i see your point
so coming back the main thing to do at
this point of time is to audit yourself
and once you audit yourself ask for
where you are able to taste different
you track the energy level from zero to
and make sure that those things that you
you track are the things that energize
you you pay more attention to and and
open up that scope okay i enjoy talking
people who are from diverse backgrounds
okay so that's one could be right it's a
theory as an assumption we haven't
tasted we haven't tested it with time
then let me try okay so let me try with
another project that's similar to that
or let me try about oh okay maybe i'll
do this there's something about that as
then i test test test to a point where
you're you're kind of discovering it
like how far is that scope when it comes
to talking to different people oh i
don't like talking to different cultures
when it comes to policy making
i hate that oh yeah but i enjoy talking
to people when it comes to somehow being
able to develop them and grow them in a
certain area and educate them oh i like
that about that so you start to niche
niche to a point where you're so clear
make sense and this this is the
beautiful thing
it doesn't mean that there's only one
thing that you do
there can be five different things that
energize you it is not that one
that one path right it is many many
different paths that keep moving around
okay so when you go so give your example
for me i was basking on the streets of
orchard road right i was basking i write
my own songs me and my best friend mark
we were there basking and all that and
shake haika actually interview us
because we were like what are these two
guys doing there and all that
if sony music came and signed me up i
would not be here now
i'll be touring
as a musician
and i will be enjoying my life
it just so happened that i didn't have
that opportunity
could i have been a musician i could
have does it fire up things that because
it helps me connect with people it helps
me to help them to bring out something
about them it does
yeah then as a performance coach i have
more opportunities opening up and that's
why i am here now so your life
think of it as i don't know whether you
watch doctor strange multiverse yeah
have you watched uh no but i plan to
yeah i also plan to so your life in your
career it's a multiverse
in depending on the different
opportunities the doors are
opportunities that open
you could be somebody who's totally into
yes correct helping the company with all
the cultural aspects inclusivity and all
that could be it could also be about
you love to teach people certain things
it could be also about yeah many things
about oh maybe about i enjoy innovating
certain things i always come up i always
have um if you live like if you love
life hacks yes similar to me you're
always trying to find a shortcut
to try and find the best way possible
then you could be the guy that goes in
sees a system and says this is screwed
hack it
come up with four steps to uh take out
four steps
save a million dollars save 25 20 000
hours and you are that kind of guy that
is a systems performance hacker yes all
these things are totally
in the next 20 years for you it just
depends on what opportunities open up
as well
it is the market the market kind of
tells you that this that yes so success
is what preparation meets opportunity
so preparation for our in our mind
preparation is not so much of
preparedness but more of innate talent
your innate talent meeting opportunities
gets you success if i
i love writing songs and music
but sony didn't come to me i didn't have
the opportunity i loved hacking things
and performance and companies came to me
i am now a performance coach
how do you because we only have a
limited amount of energy to to uh to to
taste uh new things right yeah i mean it
might energize you but then after a
while when there's no opportunity then
that you will also use up that limited
energy that you have so that's to me
also my my concern i mean and i feel of
course that i'm now running a bit behind
because i've always been working on the
scale right okay just do more things
that that i know that i can do and i can
deliver and also
gives me the opportunity yeah i do well
and gives me the opportunity to uh
to progress in a career yeah
but then i sort of suppress the things
that i find energizing
yeah even if i'm given certain uh like
small chances to to work with it yeah
how to know whether to like persist like
no that's what really energizes me so
i'm going to take my limited time and
then focus on finding more opportunities
to like like take your example of like
how do you know that to not just
persistently continue busting in orchard
road right until uh or maybe in orchard
road and then i don't know other other
roads as well in singapore
until finally that you do a breakthrough
so that is the question that it's um
it's a seasonal question what we can do
and as a farmer we can sow the seeds the
weather is something that we cannot
sometimes it doesn't come
right so it depends on how much your
will is to
carry on with that while you're trying
other things and sometimes you don't
need to try just one thing right you put
all your crops that one one crops maybe
you would die because
if you actually open up and says that
okay i'm gonna try culture i'm gonna try
educating i'm gonna try performance
hacking as well within my company then
of all these things hey actually one of
the things that people actually
they want more of
then you just go with it you go with
whatever the fire is
and you don't know you can try one two
times and then you feel that
i'm not sure nobody in the company at
this point of time the company is not
looking at this they don't really bother
about cultural aspect that much then
that door is closed for you
then you have two other doors educating
and innovating
and performance hacking oh then then you
go with that so whatever there is fire
and you know that the fire inside your
heart doesn't go away right it just
doesn't it just keeps burning and
burning it is the emails that you open
up first rather than the emails that you
open up last yes
it's the things that it's a task that
you look forward to i'm excited of that
meeting compared to i dread that meeting
so your emotions are the clearest way to
understand what your innate talents are
because an eagle doesn't need to know he
kind of just knows that when he's
uh right man but when he's flying
everything just clicks it's like wow
everything is like supernova
find ways that you can keep trying
different opportunities however
because you are so ingrained into
something already
for you to move out
imagine you've been digging 17 years
into one
one area of expertise yes
you're right you're right you mean to
move out
it's it's painful it's like i've been
sitting in one position
position very long and they're trying to
now move to a new position that muscles
is like it's already stiff there right
exactly so you're eager
my picture reminds you an eagle with
damn big muscles on the legs yeah
exactly sitting down
no not sitting down you think you're
australian everybody everybody wants you
to be an ostrich you're running around
like crazy but you're an eagle with damn
big muscles on the legs and your wings
are extremely atrophied very small
exactly right right
to move them actually yeah but when you
move the funny thing is that your wings
will come back really fast
anything that energizes you you kind of
click it and the funny thing about it is
that the one of our concerns will always
if i do this new thing i have to learn a
lot i have to learn a lot i i i'm
lagging behind
all those in front of me right yeah
exactly they're so much better and all
that guess what if you are innately
talented in it you will beat them in no
because your mind is already wired for
that you will see nuances about certain
things that people will not see
because you are talented in it
so for a soccer ball in front of ronaldo
he's talented in it he will see nuances
about things that we don't even see
maybe his corner of his eye is damn
sharp he knows exactly where everybody
is you know that kind of thing he knows
how to strike to another person who is a
defender maybe that's not something that
they look at they don't look at those
opportunities so it's very different so
don't worry about the the thing about oh
i'm going to take a long time that
journey of learning is going to be
enjoyable and that's beautiful
i see your point yeah that really hits
home actually yeah so think about it
when you're younger the subjects that
really you
look forward to you didn't really need
to study
yes that's correct right it's raining i
did well yes but the more i did well in
those subjects the more i was
moved along the path of least resistance
basically to be where i am now yeah yeah
yeah years later
but when so so then also when you think
about in the in the company when you
first started korea first three years
first five years the things that came
naturally to you you didn't really need
to study but you saw your peers
and we always have this thing hey darren
so wow you did this for a very long time
is it and you always say no i didn't i
just started off
those are the clues to the talents that
you have the things that you innately
learn faster than any everybody else the
things that you innately have the fire
the energy level these are clues to the
things that you should be banking on you
should be betting on for the longer term
but because 17 years of of of digging to
move that it's not going to be a one day
yes it might be a two three year thing
to be able to slowly shift
to be able to gain that competency where
people say hey i think darren has been
doing these five projects
um and i think yeah we actually have a
need here
maybe we should try to transition him
out because why you go to your boss i
like doing this they'll be like screw
you because like you have no competence
so you need to
prove it
and so that one degree every month
slowly slowly
you're able to move
and the the energy levels would be like
sort of like the guiding pose basically
yes i'm not moving in the right
i'm digging out the right way basically
yes and and you can dig five things and
it's all energizing you just keep
digging to a point where you know the
bit rock to a point where you cannot go
anymore let's say we talk about air
we're still staying in your company
we're digging and what this is like
solid rock cannot dig anymore because
why policy
uh company has done this before not
doing it anymore whatever it is okay you
have five you close one you go to the
next one and you keep digging and after
a while you will see that there was
maybe one or two more one or two okay
that you can continue doing the company
appreciates it there is an opportunity
for you to move
okay so don't dig until uh
another bedrock and then give up there
because there should be other
opportunities also that no no one is
built to i have only one no one is
building only one yeah
yeah so i could have been yeah
i could have been there i could have
been so many things in my life i could
have been a local designer i really
enjoyed design
cool really enjoy so you ask me do logos
and all that all um whole day i enjoy it
a lot so i could have been also but just
same thing
my talent but opportunities the door
wasn't there
right and that's it so think of your
career really as doctor strange
multiverse then you don't so hard up
like well i'm banking on this one thing
it must be this one thing no it's not
that's true i mean the pressure is
to dig as well yeah based on what you
feel is energizing yeah unfortunately
you cannot so but when we think about it
17 years is a long time but the next 25
years is a bloody long time
it's even longer that's the
that's the last
important part yeah so do you want to be
25 years of doing [ __ ]
no of course we don't want so we need to
keep putting the investment of time
of self-discovery
cool thank you thanks jesus
any other questions man
no no i mean i you've given me a lot of
uh i mean
things to chew on now exactly and you
probably need to to sit in my hole now
too to like marry me yeah yeah but but
it's very normal uh what you're going
through and the people i coach it's just
very normal because
management it just to share management
is very arcade that means very very old
school very ancient management is about
sitting down just doing your job
not complaining
that's it and
that's the most beautiful management
performance i fear i become as well
because i mean naturally progression
after you know you spend enough time you
naturally tend to
just because opportunity is there maybe
like my boss decides to go back home or
then then that spot is there then yeah
right and then yeah you end up having to
probably be faced with the same
pressures to uh
um to think that way yeah i need to get
the job done because my boss on top of
me is asking for for results yeah yeah
but it's a very different landscape so
the future landscape is really the idea
that uh
uh our employee and our staff we need to
see it more as our our clients
so companies need to see it as
clients if we don't see it as clients we
don't see it as engagement we don't see
it as there's a need for a concierge
service where we want to understand
what's happening to each person and
that's hr's role and hr will actually
become more and more um what do you call
it individualized
we're going to lose a lot of talent
correct instead of converting people
into numbers and putting them into
different boxes yeah and that's old
school that's okay for the old economy
yeah yeah
all right man hey jason thank you thank
you so much
for this
most welcome really hope i helped you uh
i'm passionate about this and yeah i'll
send you the thing about the what you
can fill up and use that as your guide
to be able to
audit your own job
then after that ask for opportunities
cool thank you
all right man
hey thank you so much most welcome take
care then